Viggo Jastrau 1857-1946 Watercolor illustration medieval battle scene graveyard

Watercolor illustration Middle Ages scene on graveyard 
Artist: monogrammed VJ on the left; Viggo Jastrau 1857-1946, well noted Danish painter
Age: dated 1893 on the left
Technique: watercolour/pen/white heightened
Dimensions: approx. 15x14cm 

About the artist (excerpt from Kunstindeks Danmark & ​​Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon):

Jastrau, Viggo, 1857-1946, painter and graphic artist. *9.3.1857 in Flensborg, ?9.2.1946 in Kbh., limited text (ass). Forældre: organist, senior cantor Andreas Martin Ludvig J. and Emma Louise Frandzen. ~22.2.1895 i Sundby med Thyra Caroline Louise Steinhauer, *8.6.1868 i Kbh., ?7.3.1939 smst., datter af arkivar og fuldmægtig, mus.insp. Carl Ludvig S. and Mariane Mathilde Christensen.


Viggo Jastraus illustrated the work that he carried out and held and qualified. Characteristics are the decorative vignettes, together with the northern landscape and events, which in other cases are structured according to Niels Skovgaard. J. continued to produce high-quality illustrations, including pastel and graphic blades. J. added to that there is an inspector of Kunstforeningen in København, together with organization of the store in the district of Dansk Kunst hjemme and in the country.


I trade in Vejle 1873-78; clerk 1878-83; elev on Kunstnernes Studiesk. (L. Tuxen) 1883-84; stud. painting in Paris under Ferdinand Cormon 1885; elev på Krøyers aftenskole vintrene 1886-87, 1887-88.


Paris 1885; Belgium and France 1891.


Inspector of Art Forums., Kbh. 1888-1939, æresmedl. around 1940; leather af de statsunderstøttede vandreudst. i provinces 1903-36; knead til det there. commissariat ved verdensudst., Paris 1900; secr. ved Raadhusudst., Kbh. 1901; ved udst. Work by Da. Painters and Guildhall, London 1907; that one. etc. i Rome 1911; ved Den baltiske Udst., Malmö 1914; the svenske 1700 valley south. i kbh 1921; medical on best. for Grafisk Kunstnersamf. 1911-13, fmd. 1919-22; have edited Gads "Smaa Kunstbøger" og udg. Jastraus Kunstnerleksikon, 1935.


Reissen 1891.


Charles Forar 1887, 1889-90, 1893, 1910-15, 1917-18, 1920-21; Grafisk Kunstnersamf. 1912, 1918; artist forums. af 18. Nov., 1921, 1924, 1942; verdensudst., Paris 1925; There. Kunststævne, Forum 1929; Sdr.jysk Udst., Charl.borg 1937; Skovgaard Mus., Viborg 1979.

Art works

Dagen for ballet (ink, udst. 1890); Klosterhave i Helsingør (radering, south 1892); Det gamle fort i Frederikshavn (radering, udst. 1911); Aftensangeren i Firenze (pastel, udst. 1912); Byge i Havnegade (pastel, udst. 1918); Hermits, motiver fra La Fontaine (olie, 1920, Storstrøms Kunstmus.). Bow illustrations: Dødningens Bistand, 1887 (orig. i Fyns Kunstmus.); Irske Sagn and Eventyr, 1891; Aucassin og Nicolete, 1893 (oversat af Sophus Michaëlis); La Fontaine's Fabler, 1916; including and række børnebøger; ill. till tidsskr. Klods-Hans; representative i Kobbertiksaml.; Esbjerg Kunstmus. og Storstroms Kunstmus. (raderinger and tegn.).


Berlin tid. 9/30/1913 (CA Been); 3/22/1917; March 28, 1927 (Th. Oppermann); September 30, 1938 (interv.); 2/12/1946; Pole. 10/01/1913 (N. Lützhøft); February 12, 1946 (K. Borchsenius); Nat.tid. 3/28/1937; February 12, 1946 (Sig. Schulz); extrabl. September 27, 1938 (interview). Breve (Hirschsprung og Det royal. library).    

Source: www kulturarv dk/kid/; retrieved on 7. February 2019
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Inspector of Art Forums., Kbh. 1888-1939, æresmedl. around 1940; leather af de statsunderstøttede vandreudst. i provinces 1903-36; knead til det there. commissariat ved verdensudst., Paris 1900; secr. ved Raadhusudst., Kbh. 1901; ved udst. Work by Da. Painters and Guildhall, London 1907; that one. etc. i Rome 1911; ved Den baltiske Udst., Malmö 1914; the svenske 1700 valley south. i kbh 1921; medical on best. for Grafisk Kunstnersamf. 1911-13, fmd. 1919-22; have edited Gads "Smaa Kunstbøger" og udg. Jastraus Kunstnerleksikon, 1935. Dagen for ballet (ink, udst. 1890); Klosterhave i Helsingør (radering, south 1892); Det gamle fort i Frederikshavn (radering, udst. 1911); Aftensangeren i Firenze (pastel, udst. 1912); Byge i Havnegade (pastel, udst. 1918); Hermits, motiver fra La Fontaine (olie