Very good or better.





LARRY LEE Ascciete Edor

821 Nath 19th Street. Brmingham, Ala. 3s202


NO. 10

Alabama agrinews

Mail box

What's new in Washington

What's ahead and what to do about it

Are you ready for waste disposal lagoons?

What's new in farm chemicals

Hydraulic motors-where they fit

DOT hearings a test case

Florida calves now tagged

Pecans-plain and fancy

Good farming practices

They eat DOT

Select equipment big enough to handle the job

Cut milking time with parlor design

Enjoy a sharp knife

The Egg Products Inspection Act

Jokes I like

In search of a sound horse

For safety-rack your gun

Do producers need the Cotton Council?

Talking business

Take the stoop out of cabbage cutting

Your vet answers questions

New laborsavers

Steers can boost dairy income


Untying those knotty labor problems

Twelve points of pesticide safety

New machinery

Pesticide residues: is an apple safe?

Dryer turns animal wastes into profits

Insurance in simple language

Try these favorite apple-a-day recipes

House plan: House with a wide expanse

Patterns: Necklines have new importance


Lenoir Plantation-home and showplace

Patterns: New fashion leaders

Two-in-one cotton harvesters


Effects of freeze, surcharge on grain market

Research you can use

November weather across the South

Hunting prospects

Editorials ast page)

COVER photograph by John McKinney

Story on page 44