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A natural remedy used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. 
Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, and weight loss.
Customers have reported health benefits for respiratory illness and preventing infection.

This is a detox program given by well known herbal expert.

If you are suffering from illness or health problems
1) Place 1 table spoon into boiling water. Boiler for 5 -10min
2) Let it cook and drink from cup slowly.
3) Have Light breakfast.
4) after 4 hours have another cup then again after 4 hours
5) Before going to bed you can eat only after having the last cup of the day( eat dinner 2 hours after drinking)

Please note this should be taken for 2 days with 1 day gap (depending on how sever your illness is).

If you wish to have it as a general tonic.
Recommend to have 1 cup for 1 day Once a week
Use 1 table spoon.
Have again after 1 week.

Do not exceed the above. Some people may have Diarrhea which is normal. But if in doubt seek medical advice. 

Adults both men and women can have it.
Pregnant and children below age of 13 can have only 1-2 tea spoons (not full cup).

Advice from Dr Nazir a renowned on study of Senna Leaves. This is his advice on treating Carona.
  1. In saucepan add 1.5 ltr of water
  2. Put 1 Table spoon of senna Leaves
  3. 1 Table spoon of Fennel Seed
  4. 1 Tea spoon of Omum seeds
  5. 1 and Half tea spoons of cinnamon powder
  6. boil with lid on for 10min
  7. Filter it with mesh strainer or siv.
  8. You can add Honey for sweetness BUT NOT WHITE SUGAR
  9. Drink it normally as you would a cup of tea.
A person will be cured within 12 hours . This is best for blood Pressure patients also.

Please copy and paste web link into your internet browser for a video on how to prepare the drink:

The Prophet's guidance on treating constipation

At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Mjah narrated that the Messenger of Allah asked Amaa bint 'Umais, ''How do you deal with constipation?''
She said, “By using Shubrum (euphorb piteous). ''
The Prophet said, ''(it is) hot and too strong locative. ''
She then said, “I also use Senna, '' and the Prophet replied, ''If there is a cure that prevents death, it would be Senna. ''

Further, Ibn Majah narrated that 'Abudllah ibn Umm Haram said that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying: ''Use Senna and Sanoot (cumin), because they cure every disease, except Saam. '' He was asked, ''What is Saam?'' He said, “Death ''

The Prophet asked the woman about what she uses to treat constipation, meaning what cure she uses to help soften the stool, so that the body is able to get rid of its harmful waste.

In another narration of the Hadith, the Prophet asked Asmaa about what she uses to cure constipation, and she mentioned the Shubrum (euphorb piteous), which is the bark of the root of the euphorbic tree and which is dry and hot in the forth degree. 

Shubrum is among the medications that doctors do not advise people to use because it is a very strong laxative. 

In the Hadith, the Prophet described Shubrum as being hot and a strong laxative.

Sienna is a plant. Senna is hot and dry in the first degree it is a good, mind medication that does not cause any side effects. 

Senna helps against bile and black bile ailments and strengthens the heart, which is another good quality that this medication contains.

Senna is useful against melancholic obsession and corporal incisions, relaxes the muscles and improves the hair. 

Senna also helps against lice, headache, mange, pustules, rashes and epilepsy. 

It is better to cook the Senna and drink it crushed. Also, it is better to cook the Senna mixed with violet flowers and red raisins, removing the seeds.

Ar-Razi said, ''Senna and fumitory help extract mature humors (bodily wastes) and helps against leprosy and rashes, when one takes four to seven measures of each remedy.''

As for Sanoot (cumin), there is a difference of opinion concerning its nature, Umar bin Bakr Al-Saksaki, for instance, said that Sanoot is either honey or butter extract. 

Another opinion suggests that Sanoot is a seed that resembles the Kammon (cumin), as Ibn Al-Arabi has asserted. The fourth and fifth opinions suggest that Sanoot is the Persian cumin or fennel, according to Abu Hanifah Ad-Daynoori. The sixth opinion suggests that it is the Shibitt (dill), and the seventh opinion suggests is the date, according to Abu Bakr bin As-sunni.

The eighth opinion suggests that it is honey that exists in butter-skin, according to Abdl Al-Baghdadi. Some doctors also stated that the last meaning is the most probable. 

In this case, the Sanoot is prepared by blending Senna powder with some honey mixed with ghee, as this is better than taking the Senna by itself. Then one licks the mixture that contains the Senna, as case the Senna taste will be made milder, because of the honey and butter, which will also assist the laxative power of the Senna. Allah knows best.


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