of whole Nettle (Urtica Dioica)
for Herbal Tea, Smoothie or Culinary Uses
Pure Organic Nettle Powder Leaf/Root/Stem/Seed
Natural and Raw Ground Stinging Nettle
(many health benefits, read description below)
25g/50g/100g/200g/400g Premium Quality Wild Harvested *

ORGANICTAS   (5***** Stars Ebay Shop)
Premium Quality Organic & Natural Products, Cosmetics & Remedies


Organictas Stinging Nettle Powder (Urtica dioica)
Pure 100% natural organic Nettle (Leaves/Stems/Roots/Seeds) in the form of Powder/stone mill ground.
Wild Harvested in an ecologically clean non-contaminated protected area in the Bulgarian mountains.
Free from any Pollutants, No Preservatives, No Artificial Colours, No Artificial Flavours, No Artificial Sweeteners, No added Sugar/Salt, GMO-Free, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Soya, No Yeast, No Milk, No Starch, No Lactose, No Chemicals, Pesticide Free, Eco friendly Package. 

Short Description of Great Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica):
Stinging nettle is a plant. People use the root and above ground parts as medicine. In fact, more than 100 components have been identified in nettle.
Stinging nettle has been used as a powder in food, tea, beer, fabric, medicine, and cosmetics for thousands of years.
Its wide array of uses includes everything from enhancing male health to easing nasal congestion.
Stinging nettle is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and other active compounds. Its roots and leaves have significantly different chemical profiles from one another.

What does Nettle taste like?
Stinging nettle tastes like mild spinach without the strong iron flavor. It's green and grassy-tasting, not unlike other dark leafy plants, with a bit of a peppery bite, like arugula.
Nettle powder has a refreshing, slightly bitter taste.

How to use/consume Stinging Nettle Powder?

Recommended intake: 
To 1 full teaspoon of nettle flour add 250 ml of water, yogurt, kefir, juice or a healthy shake. It is desirable to take before meals up to three times a day. Nettle Leaf Powder can be mixed in pure, without preparation, into a superfood smoothie, fruit juice or water. Adding to apple juice and spinach are good combinations. We recommend 2 teaspoons for smoothie drink/shake recipes.

Pour the infusion/tea over a coffee filter!!!

Stinging Nettle flour can be added to various pasta products, as well as to soups, salads or used to make porridge. Can be added to vegetable or puréed soups or other food. Powdered herbs, including Nettle, can be sprinkled and used on all kinds of dishes (rice, soups, salads, sandwiches, pasta, meat, potatoes and more)Add to other flours and mixes for making pasta, omelets, pancakes and more.

Can be used in masks for beautiful hair and skin.
Can be used as an igredient in homemade soaps.

Baby Food:
Small amounts of Nettle Powder in preparation of baby puree porridge.

Stinging Nettle powder can also be extracted topically with alcohol and used for rashes and to treat joint pain.

We recommend that nettle powder be used without heat treatment so that you can absorb all its useful contents.

A small amount of this flour, just one tablespoon, is enough to get the necessary daily dose of iron for the body.

Synonyms/Common Names:
Urtica dioica (Lat.), Stinging Nettle, Great Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle, Burn Nettle, Burn Weed, Burn Hazel, Prostaherb, etc..

Nutritional Profil of Organic Nettle Powder:
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Linoleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, Silicic Acid, All Essential Amino Acids, Quercetin, Rutin, Kaempferol, Quinic acid, Caffeic acid, Choline, Lecithin, Coumarins, other Flavonoids, Beta-carotene, Lutein, Luteoxanthin, other Carotenoids, many Macro and Microelements.

Main Properties of Natural Nettle: 
Diuretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antihistamine, Decongestant, Expectorant, Hemostatic, Emollient, Antianemic, Wound Healing, Diabetes Support, Bone & Joint Health, Antioxidant, Skin & Hair Health, Anti-Aging, Weight Control and more ....

Stinging Nettle Powder is tradionally used in/for*:


                                              Possible Benefits of Natural Nettle:

                                                            When and how is Nettle harvested?
                                                            May-OctoberThe leaves are harvested while they’re still young and before the plant starts flowering. Once it flowers the leaves become bitter and some argue (though that’s disputed) that they contain cystoliths which may irritate the kidneys.
                                                            To make 200g organic nettle powder it needs 1.2kg of fresh nettle.

                                                            Recommended daily dosage:

                                                            This Organic whole Nettle Powder Product is best before:
                                                            current expiry date please see under "item specifications" on top of this product listing.
                                                            (The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.)
                                                            Do not use the product after the expiry date which is stated on the pack.

                                                            Country of origin / Made in / Packed in:
                                                            Bulgaria, a country of the European Union.

                                                            Nettle Powder Nutrition Facts /  Proximates per 100 g:
                                                            • Energy 228 kcal
                                                            • Protein 31.66 g
                                                            • Total lipid (fat) 0.85 g
                                                            • Carbohydrate 3.42 g
                                                            • Fiber, total dietary 40 g
                                                            • Sugars, total 2.56 g

                                                            How to store Nettle Powder:
                                                            In dry, ventilated, cool and dark places in tightly closed packages.
                                                            This product is packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable doy-pack for optimum freshness.
                                                            Once opened, just push the air out of the doy-pack before resealing it in order to preserve maximum potency.

                                                            Hand Packed. Eco Friendly Water-proof Kraft Paper Doypacks / Stand-Up Pouches with with Aluminum Foil and Bag Zip. 
                                                            25g & 50g packages are packed in small resealable nylon packing and with a simple printed tester product label!

                                                            Important things to know about Stinging Nettle:
                                                            When buying dried nettle, only choose products that are organic, this can reduce your risk of exposure to pesticides and other chemical toxins.
                                                            While fresh stinging nettle may cause irritation, cooked, dried or freeze-dried stinging nettle is generally safe to consume.
                                                            Always check the label to make sure which part of the plant was used to make a given product.
                                                            We at Organictas only offer organic bulgarian Stinging Nettles wild harvested by small farmers located in ecologically clean and pesticide-free regions.
                                                            Don’t confuse Stinging Nettle (Uritica dioica) with white dead nettle (Lamium album)!
                                                            Always check the producer country, Urtica diocia main producers are United States, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Turkey and Europe in general. Some cheap and less beneficial nettle products might not be Urtica diocia, but imported Urtica angustifolia, Urtica atrichocaulis, Urtica triangularis (China), Urtica fissa (China, Egypt), Urtica hyperborea (China, India), Uritca ardens (India), Urtica chamaedryoides, Urtica spiralis, Urtica praetermissa, Urtica pubescens (Mexico).  

                                                            Possible Side Effects of Nettle Powder:
                                                            Side effects reported are rare. Stinging nettle is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth for up to 2 years or when applied to the skin appropriately. However, it might cause stomach complaints and sweating.

                                                            Short Product Description in other languages:
                                                            (GB/USA) Organic stinging nettle powder made from nettle leaves, stems, roots and seeds.
                                                            (Arab) مسحوق نبات القراص العضوي مصنوع من أوراق نبات القراص والسيقان والجذور والبذور.
                                                            (CRO) Organski prah koprive izrađen od lišća, stabljika, korijena i sjemena koprive.
                                                            (CZ) Organický kopřivový prášek vyrobený z listů, stonků, kořenů a semen kopřivy.
                                                            (D) Bio Brennnesselpulver aus Brennnesselblättern, Stielen, Wurzeln und Samen.
                                                            (DK) Organisk brændenældepulver lavet af nældeblade, stængler, rødder og frø.
                                                            (E) Polvo de ortiga orgánica elaborado a partir de hojas, tallos, raíces y semillas de ortiga.
                                                            (EST) Orgaaniline kõrvenõgesepulber, mis on valmistatud nõgeselehtedest, vartest, juurtest ja seemnetest.
                                                            (F) Poudre d'ortie biologique à base de feuilles, tiges, racines et graines d'ortie.
                                                            (FIN) Orgaaninen nokkosjauhe, joka on valmistettu nokkosen lehdistä, varret, juuret ja siemenet
                                                            (GR) Οργανική σκόνη τσουκνίδας από φύλλα τσουκνίδας, μίσχους, ρίζες και σπόρους.
                                                            (HUN) Csalán leveléből, szárából, gyökeréből és magjából készült szerves csalánpor.
                                                            (I) Ortica in polvere biologica a base di foglie, gambi, radici e semi di ortica.
                                                            (IRE) Púdar líonta líonta orgánacha déanta as duilleoga, gais, fréamhacha agus síolta.
                                                            (ISR) אבקת סרפד צורב אורגנית העשויה מעלי סרפד, גבעולים, שורשים וזרעים.
                                                            (JAP) イラクサの葉、茎、根、種子から作られた有機イラクサ粉末。
                                                            (KOR) 쐐기풀 잎, 줄기, 뿌리 및 씨앗으로 만든 유기 쏘는 쐐기풀 분말.
                                                            (LAT) Organisks dzeloņains nātru pulveris, kas izgatavots no nātru lapām, kātiem, saknēm un sēklām.
                                                            (LIT) Organiniai dilgėlių milteliai, pagaminti iš dilgėlių lapų, stiebų, šaknų ir sėklų.
                                                            (NL) Biologisch brandnetelpoeder gemaakt van brandnetelbladeren, stengels, wortels en zaden.
                                                            (NOR) Organisk brenneslepulver laget av nesleblader, stengler, røtter og frø.
                                                            (PL) Organiczny proszek z pokrzywy zwyczajnej wytwarzany z liści, łodyg, korzeni i nasion pokrzywy.
                                                            (POR) Pó de urtiga orgânico feito de folhas, caules, raízes e sementes de urtiga.
                                                            (RO) Pulbere organică de urzică din frunze, tulpini, rădăcini și semințe de urzică.
                                                            (RU) Органический порошок крапивы двудомной изготовлен из листьев, стеблей, корней и семян крапивы.
                                                            (SLK) Organický prášok zo žihľavy vyrobený z listov, stoniek, koreňov a semien žihľavy.
                                                            (SLO) Organski prah koprive iz listov, stebel, korenin in semen koprive.
                                                            (SRB) Органски прах коприве направљен од лишћа, стабљика, корена и семена коприве.
                                                            (SWE) Organiskt brännässelpulver tillverkat av nässlor, stjälkar, rötter och frön.
                                                            (TR) Isırgan otu yapraklarından, saplarından, köklerinden ve tohumlarından yapılan organik ısırgan otu tozu.
                                                            (UKR) Органічний порошок пекучої кропиви, виготовлений з листя кропиви, стебел, коренів та насіння.
                                                            (WELSH) Powdr danadl poethion organig wedi'i wneud o ddail danadl poethion, coesau, gwreiddiau a hadau.

                                                            *Final Word, Disclaimer &Warning:
                                                            *If you're considering the use of this product or any other herb/supplement/product for a health condition, make sure to consult your physician first.
                                                            *Self-treating a condition and/or avoiding and/or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.
                                                            *Consult your physican before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication, precription drugs or have a medical condition. Our product has not been studied alongside or against your prescription medication or alongside other supplements or herbs. Please make sure your health care provider is aware of all dietary supplments and natural herbs you are taking . This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
                                                            *For medical, over-the-counter drugs, homeopathic and herbal products: indications are based soley on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

                                                            SHIPPING & DELIVERY:

                                                            WARNING: There might be still some shipping delays due the worldwide pandemic situation.

                                                            We ship every day Monday - Friday in our timezone GMT+2. All deliveries take place within one working day after received/confirmed payment. All items are located and sent from Bulgaria. 

                                                            We carefully pack all orders and if possible use ecologically & environmentally friendly packing.

                                                            We try to satisfy the demands of all our customers and offer, up to your country, 2 or 3 different shipping options: Economy (slowest/cheapest), Standard (balanced) & Express (fastest/most expensive). Please note the estiminated shipping time by country and postal service due our experience below:


                                                            Europe: usually 15 - 20 working days.

                                                            USA, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 25 - 30 working days.

                                                            Australia, Canada, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 25 - 50 working days

                                                            STANDARD (Tracked):

                                                            Europe: usually 10 - 15 working days.

                                                            USA, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 15 - 25 working days.

                                                            Australia, Canada, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 20 - 45 working days

                                                            EXPRESS (Tracked):

                                                            Europe: usually 3 - 10 working days.

                                                            USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 7 - 14 working days.

                                                            Australia, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 10 - 20 working days

                                                            DHL EXPRESS (Tracked):

                                                            Worldwide: 1 - 3 working days delivery guarantee. Custom rates! Please contact us upfront!

                                                            Please note!

                                                            • Your paypal and ebay adress must be the same as the receiver/shipping adress!
                                                            • Please make sure your adress is correct, after payment and shipping there is no way to change the adress!
                                                            • Any duties or import taxes and charges are buyers responsibility.
                                                            • Tracking Numbers, if eligible, are added within 2 days after shipping!
                                                            • Australia & Canada Post do not offer tracking for Economy & Standard postage!
                                                            • Sometimes there are might be delays due bad weather conditions, custom office inspection etc.!
                                                            • In case your package did not arrive within our estiminated delivery time, please contact us and do not open a case yet and give us a chance to investigatge with our carriers.
                                                            • Delivery times and estiminated delivery time are guidelines. Working days exclude Saturday/Sunday/Holiday/Celebration days.
                                                            • In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.

                                                            PAYMENT / FEEDBACK / GENERAL:

                                                            Payment: PayPal is the preferred payment method.

                                                            Feedback: Feedback is important for us and we appreciate and return every received feedback.

                                                            Issues/Problems: In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.

                                                            We attempt to display product images as accurately as possible. However, due to lighting and different devices you might be using, the color in the image may vary slightly for the actual color of the product. Product images may show a different as the actual listing price, expire date, net weight or other information. We notice on every listting the exact expire date and net weight in the listing. Pictures/Images are only for illustration.

                                                            Please note that some of our products might have partly, or in rare cases full, bulgarian labeling (see product images in our gallery!)

                                                            MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE & RETURNS:

                                                            We hope you will love your purchase, however if you need to return it, our policy lasts 30 days. 

                                                            In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.

                                                            Please note!

                                                            • To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
                                                            • Please make sure the product is unopened, unused and the seals fully intact.
                                                            • It must also be in the original packaging and you have to send it back bevor we can issue a replacement or refund.
                                                            • If the returned product complies with the above rules we will process the refund.
                                                            • If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can't offer you a refund or exchange.
                                                            • Before returning any product please contact us using eBay messaging system.