New DVD, Polish release

Julka (Karolina Gorczyca) lives in a small Baltic town and sincerely hates everyday duties,  which mainly rely on frying fish for vacationers. He dreams of studying art in a big city. Unfortunately, a heartbreak makes him fail the exam, but he promises himself that he will not return to his homeland, but will try to cope somehow in Warsaw. A friend of her parents, Mrs. Marta (Barbara Brylska), rents her room, and a chance meeting in Mrs. Marta's hairdressing salon results in an unexpected job offer - Julka is offered to join the model team of a prestigious Warsaw agency. Thus, a young and inexperienced girl enters the great world of fashion, which is not always as beautiful and perfect as in the photos in color magazines. Will Julka be able to reconcile her modeling career with the emerging feeling for a bit cynical photographer Kacper (Marcin Dorociński)? Will they both be able to face the intrigues of the owner of a modeling agency, Marlena (Urszula Grabowska), who is in love with Kacper, and her friend, the editor-in-chief of a fashionable monthly (Iza Kuna)?

Title:Love on the Catwalk
Release Date:2009-12-11
Original language:Polish
Disk type:two-layer, one-sided
Number of carriers:2
Sound:Dolby Digital 5.1
If you are looking for some others polish releases please let me know :)