Inspired by the tarot and created by Elemental Earth Creations, these aromatic energy sprays can help clear negative energies as well as enhance your readings or channeling experience. If you are not a reader, medium, or psychic, you can still use these sprays to increase frequencies and energies of money, love, positive strides in career, motivation, spiritual communication, new ideas, and many more…! We have created these sprays with an immense amount of energy and love for our fellow beautiful souls… You!

Each spray is a unique, one of a kind formulation, that works with the law of attraction; in which, like energy attracts like energy. We have carefully calculated different high vibrational formulas using sacred alchemy, solfeggio frequencies, sound infusion, moon phase or sun infused water, crystals, essential oils, and channeled source energy, in each hand created spray.

This 4oz Tarot Shields Spray may be used in readings to generate an extremely powerful, high vibrational shield. This shield may be used in psychic readings as well as for personal protection. The shield assists in producing a calming, loving, environment, and assists in preventing negative energies and entities from interrupting your session.

In this revitalizing masterpiece, we’ve combined 1/2 of Distilled Full Moon Water, with 1/2 Distilled Sun Infused Water, Lavender Oil, Frankincense Oil, Neroli Oil, Chamomile Oil, Cedarwood Oil, Sage Oil, and Clary Sage Oil. It also contains Black obsidian, Smoky quartz, and Snowflake obsidian Crystals. Each oil and crystal have unique properties for Spiritual protection, grounding, Increasing feelings of safety and security, as well as absorbing lower vibrational energies.