HUMMINGBIRD TREE (Sesbania grandiflora ‘Red') 20 seeds

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Sesbania grandiflora, known as the Hummingbird Tree, is a lovely fast growing small legume tree that is native to south-east Asia and India.

It is a small erect, fast-growing, and sparsely branched tree that reaches 10 metres in height. 

The bark of this species is light grey, corky and deeply furrowed and the wood is soft and white.

The tree has pinnately compound leaves where each leaf is divided into multiple leaflets. The leaves can be up to 30cm long with 5-15 paired leaflets that are oblong to elliptic in shape and about 3 cm in length.

The flowers on this form are red, are large (7–9 cm long) and are borne on an unbranched, pendulous inflorescence. The flowers are similar in shape and arrangement to Pea flowers with five petals that are differentiated into a standard, wing, and keel petals. The standard petal is usually upright, the wing petals spread out on either side of the flower, and the keel is boat-shaped and in this species is curved down and away from the flower.

The fruit is a thin pod which can be up to 60 cm long and contains from 15-50 seeds.

The large flowers are eaten as a cooked vegetable. It tolerates a wide range of soils; it is useful as nurse tree for orchards and as a “living fence”. Cattle relish the leaves and pods. All parts of Sesbania grandiflora are utilized for medicine in Southeastern Asia and India including preparations derived from the roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, and fruit. In a number of cultures the root is applied as a poultice for application to inflammation and fever.

Suitable for subtropical and tropical areas. Not frost hardy.

For sale is a packet of 20 seeds.


Combined Postage/Shipping:

If you purchase multiple packets of seeds then they will be posted/shipped in the cheapest envelope or parcel rate available. What you pay is what Australia Post charges me, plus a small handling fee to cover packing materials. Final postage total does depend on the seed varieties purchased as some species have larger/heavier seeds than others so cost more to post. I don't automatically charge extra for each purchase and in many cases a number of packets of seeds can be posted/shipped for just the one initial postage charge. 

To get combined postage just make each purchase on Ebay but don't press the 'Pay Now' button after each purchase. Once you have finished buying, then press the 'Pay Now' button and an option appears at the top that says 'Request Total'. Press this one and I then get an email to tell me to combine the items into one invoice for combined postage. I then send you a final invoice for payment.

Payment Options:

Australian buyers: Paypal, Bank Deposit or Money Order.

International buyers: Paypal is the only payment method accepted.

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