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Product Features :

  • UNIQUE PATELLA DESIGN helps in stress management in the region as the user goes through the rehabilitation process.
  • SUPER STRETCH MESH PANEL in the back makes the brace breathable and ventilated to wick away sweat during exercise or cardio activities like hiking or running.
  • NEOPRENE MATERIAL helps retain heat by providing compression which helps rehabilitation of stiff regions.
  • T-5 STITCHING and needlework ensure overall durability of the brace and minimize chances of fraying or splitting.
  • ERGONOMIC SLIP-IN DESIGN that helps in compression and stays put without hindering movement as the user runs or goes for any outdoor activity like hiking.

RDX Knee Brace uses a unique combination of slip-on patella design that provides additional support to the region while exercising. The neoprene material and mesh panel ensure that the heat is retained in the required area while the brace remains ventilated and odorless. The unique needlework in the T-5 stitching ensures that knee brace is durable and comfortable to use.

Buyers' Feedback

  • ---- Verlon
  • ---- Lui Moan
  • ---- Jasmin
  • ---- Steven Houndra