7 CHAKRA Palo Santo(Bursera Graveolens) Sticks 7 PCS Original From Amazons Peru!

-Each Palo Santo stick is painted with non-toxic paint in each of the 7 Chakras:

the size is 4" high aprox.

Unlike other incense, the stick of Palo Santo can be used several times. It is already sold in the form of sticks about 10 centimeters long. It can be used as incense of that palo santo stick about 15 times, depending on the size of the flame. We recommend that you should leave developing a pretty big flame for an intense smoke (for a few seconds, then turn it off by hand shaking the stick and not let the fire burn throughout the stick). It is important to mention that each bar usually smell slightly different depending on the amount of essential oil and bearing size. Normally the finest bars usually have a more intense smell. It is advisable to keep the bars in an airtight glass or an airtight plastic bag so they do not lose their aroma. The bars are very useful for example to clean, aromatic or energy of our house because it allows us to move through the rooms, flooded with incense in our hand, every corner of our house.

Benefits of Palo Santo incense : Purifying the environment ; Relaxing ; Cleaner bad energies , lifts mood , improves mood in cases of flu , allergies , headaches and bone ; mosquito repellent .

The Palo Santo ( Bursera graveolens ) is a tree native to South America , especially Peru (hence comes the we offer ) . Is of the family Burseraceae as incense . It has been used in cleansing and purification rituals since time immemorial by healers and shamans Andean and Amazonian . Collect as many healing properties when the Spanish arrived in the fifteenth century to the new continent called it " Ghost" , Palo Santo , the sacred wood .

The Palo Santo has always been linked to shamanic rituals of different cultures , no ceremony where they burn their exquisite aromatic wood. The Language - Maskoy ( indigenous people of Paraguay , Bolivia and Argentina close to ) have the belief that a fire made ​​of Palo Santo wood prevents evil spirits come to the houses. They attribute this property due to the particular clarity of flames emerging from this wood on.

Currently it is common use in ceremonies such as ayahuasca plant teachers , both in Europe and in America, in fact it is understood that in these ceremonies does not burn the wood as it purifies the environment and bad energy clean the room where perform.

It has a surprisingly intense and penetrating scent with a hint subtly citrus , slightly sweet . But what really surprises is its effect facilitator to steer you toward the sacred, the " indescribable " , permeating in the air a sense of harmony , peace and tranquility.

The origin of the word perfume comes from the ancient Latin , "per fumum " that is, through the smoke . In this case the smoke becomes a vector with the ability to communicate with positive energy .

Sacred inciense used by Andean and Amazonian shamans in Peru. We offer palo santo sticks in bulk and wholesale price directly from origin in Peru.

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