Density. The Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC). New Generation of Calcium. 

Briefly: why do we need Calcium?

Our body needs calcium for building and maintaining bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions, muscle function, nerve transmission, etc. A lack of calcium could damage the quality of life and even lead to diseases.

Density – The New Generation of Calcium source

Density is our Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC). The great advantage of Density compared to other Calcium Supplements is the body's absorption potential: Density consists of smallest particles (amorphous), so that our body's absorption is higher.

Each package contains 60 tablet of 200 mg calcium. 

Daily recommended dose: 2-4 tablet.

Prevention It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day, to treat problems such as osteoporosis, fractures, injury fusion and joint pain recommended to take 4-6 tablets per day. 

These tablets contain 200 milligrams each. This quantity is small compared to the pills available on the market today so it is advisable to take more tablets according to the problem. 

The high limit of the safety range of the FDA is 3000 milligrams per day, so even if a person use 6 pills per day it is only 1200 milligrams per day which is well below the high limit that recommended by the FDA.

Nanotechnology is a combination of art and science when it comes to manipulating materials that makes it possible to produce new, innovative and unique products. The nano particles do not behave like micron sized particles, but make the material stronger and more conductive. Today, nanotechnology is already in great demand as a source of innovation for food products and supplements.

Most nutritional supplements available on the market are micronized, which is one thousand times bigger than the nanometer. In terms of calcium supplements, there is only one additive that is nanometric - which is the amorphous calcium. Nutrition is a very important part of prevention of osteoporosis, fracture treatment, stress fracture treatment and achieving sporting goals related to injury prevention, rapid recovery and performance improvement and an important part of it is nutrition. 
Density also helps reduce joint pain.

Density has been proven in a clinical trial that it absorbs between 2 to 4.6 more then different types of calcium that available on the market right now. 

Many athletes today consider dietary supplements an important part of their diet, but one of the common problems with micronutrient supplements is their inability to be properly absorbed, so the body does not get the nutrients.
This is where nanotechnology comes into play, which is expressed in nanoparticles and significantly and positively affects the effectiveness of food supplements:

1. Enables quick action and impact
2. Enables improved absorption
3. Improves bioavailability level
4. Enables therapeutic efficacy in rehabilitation from injuries