1988 - 1998 "Winged Eagle" Championship

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6 plate belt plus a full-cover 2-piece belt tip. All made of gold and nickel plated zinc. 

All plates are 2mm thick and CNC machined for a premium precision, sharp design (See Images 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10)

Center plate is curved. Side bars are attached to center plate instead of the strap itself.

Authentic logos and original artwork on plate designs.

Belt strap is 4mm thick and 100% soft/floppy leather. 1mm thick leather backing layer covers bolts from plates. hand-tooling around the strap's edges. 8x2 male snaps. 5x2 female snaps.  

Strap is 52" long. Fits up to a 48" Waist.