1936 Stand By Magazine Max Wilson Cover WLS Radio Prairie Farmer Chicago.


NSPIRED by the Zeppelin Hinden-

burg, Columbia Broadcasting Sys-

tem's new audience studio is the

last word in modern design.

Compared to the WGN theatre

across Michigan Boulevard or the

seating capacity of some of NBC's

studios, CBs Studio Number 10 is

not large; but it has a cozy studio

atmosphere that makes it very at-


The stage is rather small, barely

large enough to accommodate Billy

Mills' string orchestra; and the thea-

tre seats 285. But perhaps you'd like

to take a trip through the studio

yourself. We have two tickets for


"Poetic Melodies," so come along with


chewing gum program,


Submarine Doors

We get off the bus at the Wrigley

Building and go in the North door.

Quite a crowd is hurrying toward the

end of the hall and we follow them.

We come into a reception room at

one side of which is a modern circu-

lar stairway, at the other an attrac-

tive reception girl, and straight

ahead are heavy steel doors that

look a bit as if they might have come

off a submarine.

A clock-work usher with arms

akimbo takes our tickets and turns

us over to another usher who shows

us our seats. Let's look around a

minute before the show goes on the


The color-scheme of the studio is

bright blue, steel gray, and beige,

with chromium. The walls are of

----------- 2 -----------

Colleen Moore, glamorous screen

star, as she appeared on the Fea-

ture Foods program with Martha

Crane and Helen Joyce.

(5 )

----------- 3 -----------

One of the Dean Boys, Eddie,

has been nicknamed "Strangler"

by the cast of Modern Cinderella.

Orchestra Leader Eric Sagerquist

played Eddie's favorite song and

Eddie rewarded him with a hug.

Sagerquist is now taped up with

a broken rib.

----------- 6 -----------

A Two cowbelles are the Girls of the Golden West.

Dolly strums on her guitar while Milly looks on.

Fishing is the favorite sport of Hezzie Trietsch,

and he and Mrs. Trietsch seem pleased with the day's

catch of bass and pike. The picture was taken at

Sand Lake near Eagle River, Wisconsin. V

----------- 4 -----------


< Max Terhune

and his horse on

location in Holly-

wood. Max has

promised to write

an article about

Holly wo od for

Stand By readers.

Recalling the

days of real sport,

Uncle Ezra takes a

jaunt through the

streets of Rosedale

on an old-time

"high-wheeler." >

----------- 6 -----------

Enthusiastic duck hunters are Glenn Snyder,

station manager, and Charlie Kennedy, Stand By

advertising man, both members of a duck club at

Lacon, Illinois.

In the drizzling rain,





"quack - quacker" to get



in shooting

range. >

While, in the bow of

the same boat, Glenn gets

ready to take a drink of

hot coffee from the ther-

mos jug. Both sportsmen

shot their limit that day. V

----------- 7 -----------

same piano. . . . Lily MaY, Bill O'Con-

tin beating out a bit of rythm on the

Seen Behind the Scene

Ralph Emerson rolling his own. ..

Rocky Racherbaumer and Pokey Mar-

nor and a group of the hayloft gang,

the operators think as they sit and

costumes. . . . Wonder what some of

on.... The Girls of the Golden West

tana looking for a soap box to stand

bedecked in their glitering western

listen to "She'll Be Comin' Round the



all in costume, preparing for the

Backstage at the


Eighth Street Theatre on Saturdav

night: Henry Hornsbuckle putting on

his make-up for his Conkey program.

... Christine doing a very pretty

number in the center of the stage in

an amber "spot." . . . Folks outside

the stage door looking for autographs.

.. . Slim Miller in costume: always

good for a hearty laugh. . . . Jack

Holden, calm and serene on every oc-

casion. . . . Julian Bentley uses more

big words in a single day than most

of us use in a month. . .. Bill Mere-

dith is largely responsible for some of

those entertaining plays heard every

Thursday on Homemakers' Hour. . ..

Is it true what they say about Charlie

(Nellie) Nehlsen and Anna Mae Bus-

kee of the program department? . . .

Lily May practicing lickety-split on

her banjo when-bing!

snaps . .. and we hear no more banjo

for fifteen minutes. . . . Patsy Mon-

a string

... .

Mountain" for the 1,000th time?

----------- 8 -----------



HO can help us help these

readers? Mrs. M. A. Tuthill,

87 years of age and a resident

of Wyoming, Illinois, wants the words

to a song her four brothers, Civil War

soldiers, used to sing. The title was

"Mother's Answer to 'Just Before the

Battle, Mother'." Here is the chorus.

Can someone supply the rest of the

song for this page?

Farewell; Mother may not fold thee

To her throbbing heart again,

But Oh! If Mother's prayers can save thee,

None shall write thee with the slain.

Mrs. Frank H. Aldrich, La Grange,

Indiana, asks for a song that is not

in the music library. She remembers

it from hearing her mother sing it

and thinks the title is “Grandfather's

Garrett." We'll run it in Stand By if

someone sends us a copy.

For Mrs. Lena Hedrick, Pittsfield,

Illinois, we'd like to locate and print

the words to "The Picket Off the

Garden Gate." We know nothing at

all about this number, but its title

would indicate that it was written

between 1870 and 1885. If anyone

has a dated copy we'd appreciate

knowing the exact date so we can

check our guess.

ana, asks about three famous old

on the Range,"

Chester Waddell, Hammond, Indi-

----------- 9 -----------

"Want to see me play a fiddle

tune?" queries Slim Miller. "Well,

just look over there on the oppo-

site page and I'll tickle your toes

for you."

Smile-A-While time and on the




National Barn Dance.

----------- 10 -----------

Beat w

Size 12 x 32




A Scarf You Will Be

Proud to Have in your Home.

Yours GIFT

as a

if you are a user of


----------- 11 -----------

"Baby Joan"-18-inch Doll

No. 1000-Movable eyes, blonde

hair, crying voice ..

Joan" is dressed in an Organdy

frock and bonnet, socks and

shoes. Composition legs, head

and arms and a soft stuffed

body. Packed in a box. A per-

fect love of a doll for a little

girl. Height 18 inches.

Price, boxed, Special



Potted Window Flowers

No. 1006-Six gay little pots of

bright flowers. Perfect for the

window sill or the what not

stand. Porcelain pots and a

variety of flowers as shown.

Pots are 2 inches high and the

over-all heights 72 inches. Set

of 6 assorted flower pots in a

box. Special

Price, postpaid

----------- 12 -----------

Quintuplet Sewing Set

No. 1005-Large size Quintuplet play set and sewing

outfit. Contains 5 attractive bisque dolls with mov-

able arms and charming doll faces, 10 dresses to cut

out (cloth), scissors, silk thread, needles, etc. A

complete set to delight a little girl and occupy her

days. Attractive gift box, size 14x18 inches.

Price for the complete set