This duck is evil, buyer beware.

I would, personally, highly recommend leaving now. Continue on at your own risk.

begin quote


This Duck belonged to a young man who purchased it as a gag in 2001 for his girlfriend. The girlfriend (Lauren) collected rubber ducks, so he knew it was a natural fit. Lauren placed the duck on her only TV in her studio apartment in San Francisco, CA that night in 2001. When she awoke the next morning and turned the news on while having her coffee, the first plane hit the world trade center, as it was 9/11/2001. The duck was just sitting there, right on top of the TV. Staring right back at her. This would be the first of many, many unfortunate events tied to this duck. While we are not saying the duck caused 9/11, we are saying that bad things tend to happen when it is around.Many more such events are described below.

When she moved out of the apartment in 2005, the duck was lost.

When Lauren later unpacked what she THOUGHT was the duck box some 3 weeks after moving, she found only someone elses belongings, not her duck collection.

Lauren was tracked down some 7 months later, by SOME party. A box appeared on her new apartment (different address, in a different state) stoop one evening, with no return address, and in fact, no postage at all. 

Inside, she found the Devil Duck, along with 166 Shiny Quarters, and 1 quarter that was badly destroyed, by being cut in half. She would later recall that she didn’t bother to add up what the quarters were even worth, she had just dumped them in a Coinstar machine for processing. She remembered seeing the “166” on the total # of quarters inserted - and was shocked when she realized the total - minus the coin changers fee - was, a total of - Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Dollars.

Somewhat uncomfortable, she returned home and went back to the box with the ducks in it. To her horror, she realized that all of her smaller rubber ducks had turned black. Not as if the plastic had physically changed colors, but it appeared that a black mold had completely covered the other less fortunate ducks. This was the same box the Devil Duck was in, and it had no such issue. She threw away all the other ducks, leaving only The Devil.

Bad things tended to happen around the duck. Glasses would fall to the floor, people tended to experience negative vibes. That sort of thing. As time wore on, things got much, much worse. Lauren was the original buyer but the duck has since changed hands multiple times. It is currently on the 4th owner, who is an anonymous client.

A few reported instances:

Moving the duck from one room to another, and the next morning the duck is back in the spot it came from.

Bugs coming out of the woodwork of homes and surrounding the duck.

Terrible smells fill the room the duck is in, but not at all times. It comes and goes in waves. You won't smell anything for weeks, for example, and then you'll come home one day and it will reek of rotten eggs and sulfur.

"Shadow people" tend to be spotted in the room the duck is in. 

If you sleep in the same room as the duck, you are guaranteed to have terrible nightmares. This has been the case with every owner. 

Electronics tend to malfunction around it. Cell phones restart, lights flicker, etc.

One person claims to have seen a goatman like being "petting" the duck when he went to get a drink of water in the middle of the night. 

When the box was returned to Lauren (the original owner), it contained an unsigned letter. 

It read:

“To whomever hold this duck be thy misfortune forever upon his or hers life blood - not a fortnite of sleep without mare of dark and not a touch of love without pain be upon you, forever more. To rid thy demon of self presence, add but a single 6 to the bill of sale upon the vessel. For it was the devil himself who sold this duck for $6.66 to a young man in 2001. Once the duck has traded hands, the debt is paid and the curse moves on. After a handshake agreement with both parties touching the vessel, ownership is transferred. The 6th buyer lifts the curse, and 6 fold  treasures will release upon them when the curse is finally lifted."

End quote

We only know the backstory of the Duck as the prior seller was able to track down the original owner due to having her surname. The remaining parties have been unable to speak on the Duck, because they wish to remain anonymous, at this point.

The buyer will receive the Duck in a sealed box with Enochian warding runes placed throughout. This is how the box was ORIGINALLY received by the first owner and was recreated by an expert in angelic warding. Do NOT open the box until you are ready for the duck to begin "behaving" as it is known to. It is recommended that the duck not be handled by bare hands, and is therefore a bit dusty. Salt is generally kept inside the warding box, this is a simple precaution to prevent spirits from interacting with the Devil, so if you hear sand like noises when moving it, do not worry. You may even hear them when NOT moving the box, as spirits will attempt to tamper with it. It was photographed by having a priest carefully remove it from the box, while it was warded fully, and then placing it back inside the box, which was then resealed and warded. If you do not have an expert in blessing and warding demonic items present, please do NOT open this box. You will be the fifth buyer. The seller begs of you to please take this purchase off of her hands - but compels you to understand, he/she needs to know that it goes to the RIGHT buyer.

I am merely an escrow provider for this seller and make no actual claims about the history of the item. It will be sold as is - without the cross/necklace. Please, do NOT purchase this item unless you know what you are doing.