Wake the Faith up Smelling Salts gives you that extra burst of adrenaline to push through your top set. WTFU is made for the hardcore athlete looking to push their maximum potential to the next level. This product is 100% American made and manufactured! It’s time to wake the F up and get freaking HUGE!

Please read the instructions before use. You must pull the 2 cotton balls out of the container, run them under water until they are soaking wet, put them back into the container, and shake rigorously for approximately 1 minutes. Shake before and after each use. Twist the lid tightly to make sure the container is fully sealed.

Warning: This product releases ammonia gas. Keep the bottle 6 inches away from the nose. Keep out of reach of children. Do not ingest. Avoid contact with skin. Keep away from eyes. Replace safety cap immediately after use. Incorrect or extensive use can cause irritation or burning.


Consult your physician before using this product if you are taking any prescription, over the counter medication, or supplements. Do not use the product if you are: pregnant or are nursing. Do not use this product if you are at risk or being treated for any medical condition. Discontinue use and consult a health care professional if you are experiencing any adverse reaction to this product.

Manufactured by Yep Strength (106 W 14th St #1409 Kansas City, MO 64105) Ph. 253-800-9192 YEPSTRENGTH.COM