All six films in the "Alien" franchise. In Ridley Scott"s "Alien" (1979) the crew of the Nostromo starship are on their way back to Earth after completing a mission when they are diverted to a planetoid to investigate a cryptic message. Under utforskningen af et abandoned rumfartøj på jorden, de kommer over en stor of unhatched egg. Når en af æggene frigiver en mystisk skabelse som leeches på et crewmedlems ansikte, kommer de andre tilbage til bordet. Little do they know that they have also brought on board an alien life form that will kill anyone or anything that gets in its way.
In James Cameron"s sequel, "Aliens" (1986), sole survivor from the Nostromo Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) awakens after 57 years in stasis, and with a team of Space Marines in tow she returns to the planetoid now named LV-426 to investigate the loss of contact with the terraforming colony in residence.
In David Fincher"s dark "Alien 3" (1992), Ripley crash lands on an old prison planet used to house convicted murderers - but she"s not alone. When Ripley discovers her body is being used to carry an alien queen she faces a difficult decision to save humanity and sacrifice herself.
In Jean-Pierre Jeunet"s "Alien Resurrection" (1997), 200 years after Ripley died bearing the alien queen, a group of scientists successfully produced clones of both her and the alien. The United States Military, hoping to use the queen to breed aliens to study, fail to keepde clones locked up and they escape. Det er ikke lenge før den nye Ripley er tvunget til å samarbeide med smugglerne for å ødelegge de alienkloner som er sat på ødelæggelsen af livet på jorden.
In "Prometheus" (2012) Scott returns to direct a new cast of Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron and Guy Pearce. After finding fragments of alien DNA, a team of scientists known as The Company travels into space aboard the state-of-the-art Prometheus spacecraft to investigate the origins of human life on Earth. Their journey takes them into the darkest corners of the universe - but, their horror, their inquisitive nature ends up posing a threat to the future existence of humanity. De forskere nu finder sig testet til deres mentale og fysiske grænser, da de bekjemper en desperat kamp for at bevare fremtiden for menneskeheden.
Finally, in "Alien: Covenant" (2017), set as a sequel to "Prometheus" (2012), the crew of the Covenant discover a planet they believe to be paradise, but when they actually begin to investigate they find a dark and dangerous world inhabited by a colony of creatures who are less than pleased to see them.

Original title:Alien 1-6
Sound:DTS-HD MA 5.1 (English)
Picture:1080p High Definition Widescreen
Format:Blu-ray Region B
Country of origin:England (USA)
Extra material:
TV system:PAL
Published: 1979-2017
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Director:James Cameron, David Fincher, Jean-Pierre Jeunet Ridley Scott
John Hurt
Michael Biehn
Paul Reiser
Bill Paxton
Sigourney Weaver