“A new way of telling stories and in many ways the birth of modern gaming, these books captured the imaginations of a generation of kids – it’s great to think that a new generation are going to be similarly captivated” bestselling author Charlie Higson


The multi-million copy globally bestselling choose-your-own-adventure series is repackaged and reignited for a brand new generation of children.

Sorcery! Khare Cityport of the Traps

You, the hero, must brave the city of Khare, where every doorway or alley conceals sudden danger.

You will need all your wits about you to avoid the traps and survive the unimaginable horrors ahead...

Sorcery! The Shamutanti Hills

YOU, the hero, must search for the legendary Crown of Kings, hidden in the Shamutanti Hills. Alive with evil creatures, lawless wanderers and bloodthirsty monsters, the land is riddled with tricks and traps waiting for you. Will you be able to cross the hills safely - or will you perish in the attempt?

Creature of Havoc

YOU, the hero, must track down three Vapours in order to defeat the feared necromancer Zharradan Marr. Access the Galleykeep, Marr's flying vessel, to destroy his portal and his means of entering Allansia - or perish in the attempt!

City of Thieves

Are YOU brave enough to walk the dangerous, dark alleyways of Port Blacksand...?

You must travel to the dark tower of demonic sorcerer Zanbar Bone, to put an end to his reign of terror.

But you'll have to make it past the bloodthirsty thieves and creeping creatures of the night who lurk in Port Blacksand first ...

step up, hero, it's time to fight!