The Cutty Sark clip is a wooden, three-masted frigate with a steel skeleton of the hull with six tiers of sails on the mainmast. It was the most popular clipper used to travel to China for a cargo of tea. Many times the fastest, he broke several speed records. Among other things, it sailed from Shanghai to London in just 122 days. In its 80-year history, it performed various roles, including: transporting mail, being a cargo and passenger ship, transporting wool from Australia, handling the "gold rush" in California, transporting coal during World War I, sailing as a training ship. After completing the route from Sydney to London within 73 days, the shipowner offered the captain a short gilded T-shirt, which Cutty Sark proudly wears to this day on the top of the seal mast (cutty-sark in Scots means a short shirt). Currently, the clipper stands in a dry dock on the waterfront in London's Greenwich, serving as a museum ship.

The Cutty Sark model of the sailing ship shows the clipper from the initial period of its history.

The construction of the model, due to the number of elements, complicated rigging and deck equipment, can be classified as difficult works. Requires experience and considerable skills from the Modeler.

The cutout is printed with the offset technique. This enables and is recommended to apply a colorless varnish on the colored pages before cutting them out.

The model contains sheets with laser-cut elements, the use of which greatly facilitates the work and eliminates burdensome activities during construction.

The model consists of:
- covers - illustration Cutty Sark - Grzegorz Nawrocki (2004);
- description (6 A3 pages, description in four languages);
- assembly drawings (5 A3 pages);
- frame templates to be cut out (8 A3 pages);
- colored sheets with cutting parts (7 A3 pages);
- cardboard with laser cut parts (3 A3 pages);
- 1 mm cardboard (1 side A3);
- illustrations (painting USS Constitution - Grzegorz Nawrocki - 1999).

Author of the project: Łukasz Kopiński, illustrations - Grzegorz Nawrocki.

1st edition (2021).

Each copy of the model is encoded with a hologram with an individual number.