Tektronix RSA518A  
Tragbarer USB Echtzeit Spektrum-Analysator, Frequenzbereich 9 kHz … 18 GHz, Erfassungsbandbreite 40 MHz, GPS/GLONASS/Beidou-Standardempfänger.
Die Tektronix Spektrumanalysatoren der RSA500 Serie wurden entwickelt, um Spektrumverantwortlichen, Störungssuchern und Netzwerkverantwortlichen, die Störquellen ausfindig machen, HF-Netze betriebsfähig halten und ihre Aktivitäten nachweisen müssen, die Lösung von Problemen mithilfe der Echtzeit-Spektrumanalyse zu erleichtern.

Das Kernstück des Systems ist ein USB-HF-Spektrumanalysator, der auch unter rauen Umgebungsbedingungen Bandbreiten von 40 MHz sehr genau erfasst. Bei einem Dynamikbereich von 70 dB und einer Frequenzobergrenze von bis zu 18 GHz können Sie alle interessierenden Signale untersuchen und den Messergebnissen absolut vertrauen.

Dank des USB-Formfaktors müssen Sie kein schweres Gerät mehr halten, sondern lediglich einen leichten Windows-Tablet- oder -Notebook-Computer. Einen leichten PC anstelle eines schweren Spektrumanalysators in der Hand zu halten bedeutet, dass Sie sich längerer Zeit schneller bewegen und Ihre Arbeit schneller erledigen können.

Der optionale Mitlaufgenerator ermöglicht Verstärkungs- und Verlustmessungen zur schnellen Überprüfung von Filtern, Duplexern und anderen Netzkomponenten. Und Sie können nach Bedarf Kabel- und Antennenmessungen von Stehwellenverhältnis, Reflexionsdämpfung, Entfernung bis zum Defekt und Kabelverlust vornehmen.

großer Frequenzbereich von 9 kHz bis 18 GHz für eine breite Palette von Analyseanforderungen
40 MHz Erfassungsbandbreite ermöglicht die Echtzeitanalyse zur Erfassung von Transienten und zur Vektoranalyse
GPS/GLONASS/Beidou-Standardempfänger zur Kartendarstellung
optionaler Mitlaufgenerator für Gewinn-/Verlust-, Antennen- und Kabelmessungen
Streaming-Erfassung kann zur Aufzeichnung und Wiedergabe von Langzeitereignissen verwendet werden
Umgebungs-, Stoß- und Schwingungsspezikationen gemäß MIL-STD-28800 Klasse 2 für den Einsatz unter rauen Bedingungen
integrierter Akku zur Verlängerung der Nutzungszeit vor Ort
Die SignalVu-PC-Software bietet eine Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitung mit DPX-Spektrum/Spektrogramm, sodass Sie die Zeit zur Suche nach transienten und anderen Störungen auf ein Minimum beschränken können.
Eine Mindestsignaldauer von 100 μs führt zu einer Erfassungswahrscheinlichkeit von 100 %, sodass Sie Probleme bereits bei der ersten Signalerfassung erkennen.


Frequency range


9 kHz to 18.0 GHz

Frequency marker readout accuracy

±(RE × MF + 0.001 × Span) Hz

RE: Reference Frequency Error

MF: Marker Frequency [Hz]

Reference frequency accuracy
Initial accuracy at Cal (30 min warm-up)
±1 x 10-6
First year aging, typical
±1 x 10-6 (1 year)
Cumulative error (Initial accuracy + temperature + aging), typical
3 x 10-6 (1 year)
Temperature drift
±0.9 x 10-6 (-10 to 60 °C)
External reference input
BNC connector, 50 Ω nominal
External reference input frequency
Every 1 MHz from 1 to 20 MHz plus the following: 1.2288 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 2.4576 MHz, 4.8 MHz, 4.9152 MHz, 9.8304 MHz, 13 MHz, and 19.6608 MHz.
The spurious level on the input signal must be less than -80 dBc within 100 kHz offset to avoid on-screen spurious.
External reference input range
± 5 ppm
External reference input level
-10 to +10 dBm


Accuracy, when locked to GNSS2
±0.025 ppm3
GNSS Trained Accuracy, when GNSS antenna is disconnected24
±0.025 ppm5

±0.08 ppm6

RF input

RF Input Impedance
50 Ω
RF VSWR (RF Attn = 20 dB), typical

< 1.2 (10 MHz to 3 GHz)

< 1.5 (>3 GHz to 7.5 GHz)

<1.9 (>7.5 GHz to 18 GHz)

RF VSWR preamp ON, RSA503A and RSA507A, typical

< 1.5 (10 MHz to 6 GHz, RF ATT=10 dB, preamp on)

< 1.7 (> 6 GHz to 7.5 GHz, RF ATT=10 dB, preamp on)

<1.9 (>7.5 GHz to 18 GHz, RF ATT = 10 dB, preamp ON)

Maximum RF input level
Maximum DC voltage
±40 V (RF input)
Maximum safe input power

+33 dBm (RF input, 10 MHz to 18.0 GHz, RF Attn ≥ 20 dB)

+13 dBm (RF input, 9 kHz to 10 MHz, RF Attn ≥ 20 dB)

+20 dBm (RF input, RF Attn < 20 dB)

Maximum safe input power (Preamp On)

+33 dBm (RF input, 10 MHz to 18.0 GHz, RF Attn ≥ 20 dB)

+13 dBm (RF input, 9 kHz to 10 MHz, RF Attn ≥ 20 dB)

+20 dBm (RF input, RF Attn < 20 dB)

Maximum measurable input power

+30 dBm (RF input, ≥10 MHz to Fmax, RF ATT Auto)

+20 dBm (RF input, <10 MHz, RF ATT Auto)

Input RF attenuator
0 dB to 51 dB (1 dB step)
Sweep speed
Full span sweep speed, typical mean 7

70 GHz/sec (RBW = 1 MHz)

60 GHz/sec (RBW = 100 kHz)

15.7 GHz/sec (RBW = 10 kHz)

1.7 GHz/sec (RBW = 1 kHz)

Tuning step time via API
≤1 ms

Amplitude and RF

Amplitude and RF flatness
Reference level setting range
-170 dBm to +40 dBm, 0.1 dB step, (Standard RF input)
Frequency response at 18 ℃ to 28 ℃ (At 10 dB RF Attenuator Setting)
Amplitude accuracy at all center frequencies

Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

9 kHz ≤ 3.0 GHz±0.8 dB
> 3 to 7.5 GHz (RSA507A)±1.5 dB
>7.5 GHz to 13.6 GHz (RSA513A/RSA518A)±1.55 dB
>13.6 GHz to 18.0 GHz (RSA518A)±1.55 dB
Amplitude Accuracy at All Center Frequencies - Preamp ON (18 ℃ to 28 ℃ , 10 dB RF Attenuator)
Center frequency range

18 ⁰C to 28 ⁰C

200 kHz to ≤3.0 GHz±1.0 dB
> 3 GHz to 7.5 GHz±1.75 dB
>7.5 GHz to 13.6 GHz±2.0 dB
>13.6 GHz to 18.0 GHz±2.0 dB
Preamp gain

27 dB at 2 GHz

21 dB at 6 GHz (RSA507A)

25 dB at 10 GHz (RSA513A)

25 dB at 15 GHz (RSA518A)

Channel response (amplitude and phase deviation), typical
For these specifications, use a flat top window for maximum CW amplitude verification accuracy with the RF attenuator setting at 10 dB.

Measurement center frequency


Amplitude flatness, typical

Amplitude flatness, RMS, typical

Phase linearity, RMS, typical

9 kHz to 40 MHz

≤40 MHz 8±1.0 dB0.60 dB

>40 MHz to 4.0 GHz

≤20 MHz±0.10 dB0.08 dB0.3°

>4 GHz to 7.5 GHz

≤20 MHz±0.35 dB0.20 dB0.7°
>7.5 GHz to 13.6 GHz≤20 MHz±0.35 dB0.20 dB0.7°
>13.6 GHz to 18.0 GHz≤20 MHz±0.35 dB0.20 dB0.7°

>40 MHz to 4 GHz

≤40 MHz±0.35 dB0.14 dB0.8°

>4 GHz to 7.5 GHz

≤40 MHz±0.40 dB0.20 dB1.0°
>7.5 GHz to 13.6 GHz≤40 MHz±0.60 dB0.40 dB1.5°
>13.6 GHz to 18.0 GHz≤40 MHz±0.60 dB0.40 dB1.5°


Trigger/Sync input, typical

Voltage range: TTL, 0.0 V to 5.0 V

Trigger level (Schmitt trigger):

Positive-going threshold voltage: 1.6 V min, 2.1 V max

Negative-going threshold voltage: 1.0 V min., 1.35 V max

Impedance: 10 k ohms with schottky clamps to 0 V, +3.4 V

External trigger timing uncertainty

>20 MHz to 40 MHz acquisition bandwidth: ±250 ns

Uncertainty increases as acquisition bandwidth is decreased.

Power trigger
Power trigger, typical

Range: 0 dB to -50 dB from reference level, for trigger levels > 30 dB above the noise floor.

Type: Rising or falling edge

Trigger re-arm time: ≤ 100 μsec

Power trigger position timing uncertainty

>20 MHz to 40 MHz acquisition bandwidth: ±250 ns

Uncertainty increases as acquisition bandwidth is decreased.

Power trigger level accuracy

±1.5 dB for CW signal at tuned center frequency for trigger levels > 30 dB above the noise floor.

This specification is in addition to the overall amplitude accuracy uncertainty for SA mode.

Noise and distortion

3rd Order IM intercept (TOI)

+14 dBm at 2.130 GHz

3rd Order IM intercept (TOI),
Preamp off, typical

+17 dBm (9 kHz to 25 MHz)

+15 dBm (25 MHz to 3 GHz)

+15 dBm (3 GHz to 4 GHz, RSA507A )

+10 dBm (4 GHz to 7.5 GHz, RSA507A)

+15 dBm (7.5 GHz to Max CF GHz, RSA513A/RSA518A)

Preamp on, typical

-20 dBm (9 kHz to 25 MHz)

-15 dBm (25 MHz to 3 GHz)

-15 dBm (3 GHz to 4 GHz, RSA507A)

-20 dBm (4 GHz to 7.5 GHz, RSA507A)

-15 dBm (7.5 GHz to Max CF, RSA513A/RSA518A)

3rd Order Inter-modulation distortion

-78 dBc at 2.130 GHz

Each signal level -25 dBm at the RF input. 2 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0, Reference level = -20 dBm.

3rd Order inter-modulation distortion
Preamp off, typical

< -70 dBc (10 kHz to 25 MHz)

< -80 dBc (25 MHz to 3 GHz)

< -80 dBc (3 GHz to 4 GHz, RSA507A)

< -70 dBc (4 GHz to 7.5 GHz, RSA507A)

< -80 dBc (7.5 GHz to Max CF, RSA513A/RSA518A)

Each signal level -25 dBm at the RF input. 2 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0, Reference level = -20 dBm.

Preamp on, typical

< -70 dBc (9 kHz to 25 MHz)

< -80 dBc (25 MHz to 3 GHz)

< -80 dBc (3 GHz to 4 GHz, RSA507A)

< -70 dBc (4 GHz to 7.5GHz, RSA507A)

< -80 dBc (7.5 GHz to Max CF, RSA513A/RSA518A)

Each signal level -55 dBm at the RF input. 2 MHz tone separation. Attenuator = 0, Reference level = -50 dBm.

2nd Harmonic distortion, typical
2nd Harmonic distortion

< -75 dBc (40 MHz to 1.5 GHz)

< -75 dBc (1.5 GHz to 3.75 GHz, RSA507A)

<-75 dBc (3.75 GHz to 6.8 GHz, RSA513A)

<-75 dBc (6.8 GHz to 9 GHz, RSA518A)

2nd Harmonic distortion, Preamp on

< - 60 dBc (40 MHz to 15.9 GHz), input frequency

2nd Harmonic distortion intercept (SHI)

+35 dBm (40 MHz to 1.5 GHz)

+35 dBm (1.5 GHz to 9 GHz)

2nd Harmonic distortion intercept (SHI), Preamp on

+5 dBm (40 MHz to 15.9 GHz), input frequency

Displayed average noise level (DANL)

(Normalized to 1 Hz RBW, with log-average detector)

For the RSA513A and RSA518A:

Phase noise
Offset10 kHz100 kHz1 MHz
1 GHz CF-94 dBc/Hz-94 dBc/Hz-116 dBc/Hz
10 MHz, typical (RSA503A, RSA507A)-120 dBc/Hz-124 dBc/Hz-124 dBc/Hz
1 GHz CF (typical)-97 dBc/Hz-98 dBc/Hz-121 dBc/Hz
2 GHz CF (typical)-96 dBc/Hz-97 dBc/Hz-120 dBc/Hz

6 GHz CF, typical (RSA507A)

-94 dBc/Hz-96 dBc/Hz-120 dBc/Hz
10 GHz, typical (RSA513A, RSA518A)-89 dBc/Hz-90 dBc/Hz-113 dBc/Hz
15 GHz, typical (RSA513A, RSA518A)-86 dBc/Hz-87 dBc/Hz-110 dBc/Hz

Spurious response

Residual spurious response (Reference = -30 dBm, RBW = 1 kHz)

<-75 dBm (500 kHz to 60 MHz), typical

< -85 dBm (>60 MHz to 80 MHz), typical

<-100 dBm (>80 MHz to Max CF), typical

(Exceptions: <-90 dBm (13.78 GHz to 13.94 GHz))

Spurious response with Signal (Image suppression)

< -65 dBc (for RSA513/518A) (10 kHz to Max CF, Ref= -20 dBm, Atten = 10 dB, RF input Level = -20 dBm, RBW = 10 Hz)

Spurious response with signal at CF
Offset ≥ 1 MHz
FrequencySpan ≤40 MHz, swept spans >40 MHz
1 MHz - 100 MHz---75 dBc
100 MHz - 3 GHz-72 dBc-75 dBc
3 GHz - 7.5 GHz (RSA507A)-72 dBc-75 dBc
7.5 GHz to 13.6 GHz (RSA513A/RSA518A)-72 dBc-75 dBc
13.6 GHz to 18.0 GHz (RSA518A)-72 dBc-75 dBc
Spurious response with signal at CF

(150 kHz ≤ offset <1 MHz, Span=2 MHz ):

1 MHz - 100 MHz-70 dBc
100 MHz - 3 GHz-70 dBc
3 GHz - 7.5 GHz (RSA507A)-70 dBc
7.5 GHz - 13.6 GHz (RSA513A/RSA518A)-64 dBc
13.6 GHz - 18.0 GHz (RSA518A)-64 dBc
Spurious response with signal at other than CF, typical
FrequencySpan ≤40 MHz, swept spans >40 MHz
1 MHz – 25 MHz (LF Band)-73 dBc
25 MHz – 3 GHz-73 dBc
3 GHz – 7.5 GHz (RSA507A)-73 dBc
7.5 GHz - 13.6 GHz (RSA513A/RSA518A)-73 dBc
13.6 GHz - 18.0 GHz (RSA518A)-73 dBc
Spurious response with signal at half-IF 9

< -75 dBc, (CF: 30 MHz to Max CF, Ref = -20 dBm, Atten = 10 dB, RBW = 10 Hz, Span = 10 kHz)

Signal frequency = 2310 MHz, RF input level = -20 dBm

Local oscillator feed-through to input connector, typical

< -70 dBm, preamp off.

< -90 dBm, preamp on.

Attenuator = 10 dB.


IF bandwidth
40 MHz.
A/D converter
14 bits, 112 Ms/s.
Real-Time IF Acquisition Data
112 Ms/s, 16-bit integer samples.


ACLR for 3GPP Down Link, 1 DPCH (2130 MHz)
-57 dB (Adjacent Channel)
-68 dB w/Noise Correction (Adjacent Channel)
-57 dB (First Alternate Channel)
-69 dB w/Noise Correction (First Adjacent Channel)
-58 dB (Adjacent Channel)
-61 dB w/Noise Correction (Adjacent Channel)
-61 dB (First Alternate Channel)
-63 dB w/Noise Correction (First Adjacent Channel)

GPS location

GPS antenna power
3 V, 100 mA maximum
Time to first fix, maximum
Lock time ranges from 2 sec (hot) to 46 sec (cold start).
-130 dBm input signal power.
Horizontal position accuracy

GPS: 2.6 m

Glonass: 2.6 m

BeiDou: 10.2 m

GPS + Glonass: 2.6 m

GPS + BeiDou: 2.6 m

Test conditions: 24 hr. static, -130 dBm, full power

Tracking generator (Option 04)

Tracking Generator (Option 04)
Frequency range

9 kHz - 7.5 GHz (RSA518A)


10 MHz to 7.5 GHz (RSA518A)

Sweep speed, typical mean
0.192 sec/sweep, 101 points, 50 kHz RBW, 980 to 1020 MHz sweep (1.9 mS per point)

Measured using a Dell Latitude E5540, i7, Windows®7 Pro. Transmission Gain display is only measurement on screen.

Frequency resolution
100 Hz
TG output connector
N type
< 1.8:1, 10 MHz to 7.5 GHz, -20 dBm output level
Maximum output power
-3 dBm,10 MHz to 7.5 GHz
Output power level setting range
40 dB, 10 MHz to 7.5 GHz
Output power level step size
1 dB, 10 MHz to 7.5 GHz
Output power level step size accuracy
± 0.5 dB
< -22 dBc, ≥20 MHz
Non-harmonic spurious
< -30 dBc; spurious < 2 GHz from TG output frequency
< -25 dBc; spurious ≥ 2 GHz from TG output frequency
Reverse power without damage
40 Vdc, +20 dBm RF

SignalVu-PC standard measurements and performance

Measurements included.
General signal analysis
Spectrum analyzerSpans from 1 kHz to 18.0 GHz

Three traces plus math and spectrogram trace

Five markers with power, relative power, integrated power, power density and dBc/Hz functions

DPX Spectrum/SpectrogramReal time display of spectrum with 100% probability of intercept of up to 15 μsec signals in up to 40 MHz span
Amplitude, frequency, phase vs. time, RF I and Q vs. timeBasic vector analysis functions
Time Overview/NavigatorEnables easy setting of acquisition and analysis times for deep analysis in multiple domains
SpectrogramAnalyze and re-analyze your signal with a 2-D or 3-D waterfall display
AM/FM listeningHear, and record to file, FM and AM signals
Signal recordingRecord 40 MHz bandwidth gap-free in .r3f file format for re-analysis in all domains including real time spectrum analysis (requires option SV56 installed in PC controller for Playback)
Analog modulation analysis
AM, FM, PM analysisMeasures key AM, FM, PM parameters
RF measurements
Spurious measurementUser-defined limit lines and regions provide automatic spectrum violation testing across the entire range of the instrument. Four traces can be saved and recalled; CISPR Quasi-Peak and Average detectors available with option SVQP.
Spectrum emission maskUser-defined or standards-specific masks
Occupied BandwidthMeasures 99% power, -xdB down points
Channel Power and ACLRVariable channel and adjacent/alternate channel parameters
MCPRSophisticated, flexible multi-channel power measurements
CCDFComplementary Cumulative Distribution Function plots the statistical variations in signal level

SignalVu-PC/RSA507A key characteristics

Maximum span
40 MHz real-time
9 kHz - 3 GHz swept (RSA503A)
9 kHz - 7.5 GHz swept (RSA507A)
9 kHz - 13.6 GHz swept (RSA513A)
9 kHz - 18.0 GHz swept (RSA518A)
Maximum acquisition time
2.0 s

SignalVu-PC standard measurements and performance

Minimum IQ resolution
17.9 ns (acquisition BW = 40 MHz)
Tuning Tables
Tables that present frequency selection in the form of standards-based channels are available for the following.
Cellular standards families: AMPS, NADC, NMT-450, PDC, GSM, CDMA, CDMA-2000, 1xEV-DO WCDMA, TDSCDMA, LTE, WiMax
Unlicensed short range: 802.11a/b/j/g/p/n/ac, Bluetooth
Cordless phone: DECT, PHS
Broadcast: AM, FM, ATSC, DVBT/H, NTSC
Mobile radio, pagers, other: GMRS/FRS, iDEN, FLEX, P25, PWT, SMR, WiMax
DPX spectrum display
Spectrum processing rate (RBW = auto, trace length 801)
≤10,000 spectrums per second
DPX bitmap resolution
201 pixels vertical x 801 pixels horizontal
DPX Spectrogram minimum time resolution 10
1 ms
≤10,000 per second (span independent)
Marker information
Amplitude, frequency, signal density
Minimum signal duration for 100% probability of intercept (POI), typical 11
15 μs up to 40 MHz span
Span range (continuos processing)
1 kHz to 40 MHz
Span range (swept)
Up to maximum frequency range of instrument
Dwell time per step
50 ms to 100 s
Trace processing
Color-graded bitmap, +Peak, -Peak, average
Trace length
801, 2401, 4001, 10401
RBW range
1 kHz to 4.99 MHz
DPX spectrogram display
Trace detection
+Peak, -Peak, Average(VRMS)
Trace length, memory depth
801 (60,000 traces)
2401 (20,000 traces)
4001 (12,000 traces)
Time resolution per line
1 ms to 6400 s, user selectable
Spectrum and Spurious display
Three traces + 1 math trace + 1 trace from spectrogram for Spectrum display; four traces for Spurious display
Trace functions
Normal, Average (VRMS), Max Hold, Min Hold, Average of Logs
Average (VRMS), Average (of logs), CISPR peak, +Peak, Sample for Spectrum only -Peak; when Option SVQP is enabled, CISPR Quasi Peak and Average
Spectrum trace length
801, 2401, 4001, 8001,10401, 16001, 32001, and 64001 points
RBW range
1.18 Hz to 8 MHz for Spectrum display
Analog modulation analysis (standard)
AM demodulation accuracy typical
0 dBm input at center, carrier frequency 1 GHz, 1 kHz/5 kHz input/modulated frequency, 10% to 60% modulation depth
0 dBm input power level, reference level = 10 dBm, Atten=Auto
FM demodulation accuracy, typical
±1% of span
0 dBm input at center, carrier frequency 1 GHz, 400 Hz/1 kHz input/modulated frequency
0 dBm input power level, reference level = 10 dBm, Atten=Auto
PM demodulation accuracy, typical
±3% of measurement bandwidth
0 dBm input at center, carrier frequency 1 GHz, 1 kHz/5 kHz input/modulated frequency
0 dBm input power level, reference level = 10 dBm, Atten=Auto

SignalVu-PC applications performance summary

AM/FM/PM and direct audio measurement (SVAxx-SVPC)
Carrier frequency range (for modulation and audio measurements)
(1/2 × audio analysis bandwidth) to maximum input frequency
Maximum audio frequency span
10 MHz
FM measurements (Mod. index >0.1)
Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
AM measurements
Carrier Power, Audio Frequency, Modulation Depth (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
PM measurements
Carrier Power, Carrier Frequency Error, Audio Frequency, Deviation (+Peak, -Peak, Peak-Peak/2, RMS), SINAD, Modulation Distortion, S/N, Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Non-harmonic Distortion, Hum and Noise
Audio filters
Low pass, kHz: 0.3, 3, 15, 30, 80, 300, and user-entered up to 0.9 × audio bandwidth
High pass, Hz: 20, 50, 300, 400, and user-entered up to 0.9 × audio bandwidth
Standard: CCITT, C-Message
De-emphasis (μs): 25, 50, 75, 750, and user-entered
File: User-supplied .TXT or .CSV file of amplitude/frequency pairs. Maximum 1000 pairs
RF output power, operating frequency accuracy, modulation emission spectrum, unwanted emissions spurious, adjacent channel power ratio, frequency deviation, modulation fidelity, frequency error, eye diagram, symbol table, symbol rate accuracy, transmitter power and encoder attack time, transmitter throughput delay, frequency deviation vs. time, power vs. time, transient frequency behavior, HCPM transmitter logical channel peak adjacent channel power ratio, HCPM transmitter logical channel off slot power, HCPM transmitter logical channel power envelope, HCPM transmitter logical channel time alignment, cross-correlated markers
Modulation fidelity, typical
C4FM ≤ 1.0%
HCPM ≤ 0.5%
HDQPSK ≤ 0.25%
Input signal level is optimized for best modulation fidelity.
Bluetooth Measurements Application (SV27xx-SVPC and SV31xx-SVPC)
Supported standards
Bluetooth® 4.2 Basic Rate, Bluetooth® 4.2 Low Energy, Bluetooth® 4.2 Enhanced Data Rate. Bluetooth® 5 when SV31 is enabled.
Peak Power, Average Power, Adjacent Channel Power or InBand Emission mask, -20 dB Bandwidth, Frequency Error, Modulation Characteristics including ΔF1avg (11110000), ΔF2avg (10101010), ΔF2 > 115 kHz, ΔF2/ΔF1 ratio, frequency deviation vs. time with packet and octet level measurement information, Carrier Frequency f0, Frequency Offset (Preamble and Payload), Max Frequency Offset, Frequency Drift f1-f0, Max Drift Rate fn-f0 and fn-fn-5, Center Frequency Offset Table and Frequency Drift table, color-coded Symbol table, Packet header decoding information, eye diagram, constellation diagram
Output power (BR and LE), typical mean
Supported measurements: Average power, peak power
Level uncertainty: refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification
Measurement range: signal level > –70 dBm
Modulation characteristics, typical mean
Supported measurements: ΔF1avg, ΔF2avg, ΔF2avg/ ΔF1avg, ΔF2max%>=115kHz (basic rate), ΔF2max%>=115kHz (low energy)
Deviation range: ±280 kHz
Deviation uncertainty (at 0 dBm):
<2 kHz12 + instrument frequency uncertainty (basic rate)
<3 kHz12 + instrument frequency uncertainty (low energy)
Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance (ICFT) (BR and LE), typical mean
Measurement uncertainty (at 0 dBm): <1 kHz12 + instrument frequency uncertainty
Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
Carrier Frequency Drift (BR and LE), typical mean
Supported measurements: Max freq. offset, drift f1- f0, max drift fn-f0, max drift fn-fn-5 (BR and LE 50 μs)
Measurement uncertainty: <1 kHz + instrument frequency uncertainty
Measurement range: Nominal channel frequency ±100 kHz
In-band emissions (ACPR) (BR and LE)
Level uncertainty: refer to instrument amplitude and flatness specification
General purpose digital modulation analysis (SVMxx-SVPC)
Modulation formats
Analysis period
Up to 163,500 samples
Filter rolloff factor
α:0.001 to 1, in 0.001 steps
Vector diagram display format
Symbol/locus display, Frequency Error measurement, Origin Offset measurement
LTE Downlink RF measurements (SV28xx-SVPC)
Standard Supported

3GPP TS 36.141 Version 12.5

Frame Format supported


Measurements and Displays Supported
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR), Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM), Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, Power vs. Time showing Transmitter OFF power for TDD signals and LTE constellation diagram for Primary Synchronization Signal and Secondary Synchronization Signal with Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, RS (Reference Signal) Power and Frequency Error.

5G NR Uplink/Downlink measurements (5GNRNL-SVPC)

Standard supported
TS 38.141-1 for BS and 38.521-1 for UE
Modulation accuracy
Sec 6.5.2 for BS and Sec 6.4.2 for UE.
Sec 6.6.3 for BS and Sec for UE
Frame format supported
Uplink (FDD and TDD)
Downlink (FDD and TDD)
Measurements and displays supported
Channel Power (CHP), Adjacent Channel Power (ACP), Power Vs Time (PVT)1, Modulation Accuracy (including Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), Frequency Error, IQ Error), EVM vs. Symbol, Occupied Bandwidth (OBW), Spectral Emission Mask (SEM), Constellation Diagram, and summary table with scalar results.
EVM (typical)
1 GHz2 GHz3 GHz3.5 GHz5 GHz6 GHz7 GHz

For RSA518 Series Spectrum Analyzers: ≤39.2 dBc rms EVM from 1 GHz to 7 GHz

For RSA518 Series Spectrum Analyzers: ≤39.2 dBc rms EVM from 1 GHz to 7 GHz

≤48 dBc

Mapping (MAPxx-SVPC)
Supported map types
Pitney Bowes MapInfo (*.mif), Bitmap (*.bmp), Open Street Maps (.osm)
Saved measurement results
Measurement data files (exported results)
Map file used for the measurements
Google Earth KMZ file
Recallable results files (trace and setup files)
MapInfo-compatible MIF/MID files

Pulse measurements (SVPxx-SVPC)

Measurements (nominal)
Pulse-Ogram™ waterfall display of multiple segmented captures, with amplitude vs time and spectrum of each pulse. Pulse frequency, Delta Frequency, Average on power, Peak power, Average transmitted power, Pulse width, Rise time, Fall time, Repetition interval (seconds), Repetition interval (Hz), Duty factor (%), Duty factor (ratio), Ripple (dB), Ripple (%), Droop (dB), Droop (%), Overshoot (dB), Overshoot (%), Pulse- Ref Pulse frequency difference, Pulse- Ref Pulse phase difference, Pulse- Pulse frequency difference, Pulse- Pulse phase difference, RMS frequency error, Max frequency error, RMS phase error, Max phase error, Frequency deviation, Phase deviation, Impulse response (dB), Impulse response (time), Time stamp.
Minimum pulse width for detection, typical
150 ns
Average ON power at 18 °C to 28 °C, typical
±0.4 dB + absolute amplitude accuracy
For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥ 30 dB
Duty factor, typical
±0.2% of reading
For pulses of 450 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥ 30 dB
Average transmitted power, typical
±0.5 dB + absolute amplitude accuracy
For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥ 30 dB
Peak pulse power, typical
±1.2 dB + absolute amplitude accuracy
For pulses of 300 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥ 30 dB
Pulse width, typical
±0.25% of reading
For pulses of 450 ns width or greater, duty cycles of .5 to .001, and S/N ratio ≥ 30 dB
Playback of recorded signals (SV56)
Playback file type
R3F recorded by RSA306, RSA500, or RSA600
Recorded file bandwidth
40 MHz
File playback controls
General: Play, stop, exit playback
Location: Begin/end points of playback settable from 0-100%
Skip: Defined skip size from 73 μs up to 99% of file size
Live rate: Plays back at 1:1 rate to recording time
Loop control: Play once, or loop continuously
Memory requirement
Recording of signals requires storage with write rates of 300 MB/sec. Playback of recorded files at live rates requires storage with read rates of 300 MB/sec.
WLAN Measurements, 802.11a/b/g/j/p (SV23xx-SVPC)
WLAN power vs. time; WLAN symbol table; WLAN constellation; spectrum emission mask; error vector magnitude (EVM) vs. symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency); mag error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); phase error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); channel frequency response vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); spectralflatness vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency)
Residual EVM - 802.11a/g/j /p (OFDM), 64-QAM, typical
2.4 GHz, 20 MHz BW: -39 dB
5.8 GHz, 20 MHz BW: -38 dB
Input signal level optimized for best EVM, average of 20 bursts, ≥16 symbols each
Residual EVM - 802.11b, CCK-11, typical
2.4 GHz, 11 Mbps: 1.3 %
Input signal level optimized for best EVM, average of 1,000 chips, BT = .61
WLAN Measurements 802.11n (SV24xx-SVPC)
WLAN power vs. time; WLAN symbol table; WLAN constellation; spectrum emission mask; error vector magnitude (EVM) vs. symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency); mag error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); phase error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); channel frequency response vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); spectralflatness vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency)
EVM performance - 802.11n, 64-QAM, typical
2.4 GHz, 40 MHz BW: -39 dB
5.8 GHz, 40 MHz BW: -38 dB
Input signal level optimized for best EVM, average of 20 bursts, ≥16 symbols each
WLAN Measurements 802.11ac (SV25xx-SVPC)
WLAN power vs. time; WLAN symbol table; WLAN constellation; spectrum emission mask; error vector magnitude (EVM) vs. symbol (or time), vs subcarrier (or frequency); mag error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); phase error vs symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); channel frequency response vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency); spectralflatness vs. symbol (or time), vs. subcarrier (or frequency)
EVM performance - 802.11ac, 256-QAM, typical
5.8 GHz, 40 MHz BW: -38 dB
Input signal level optimized for best EVM, average of 20 bursts, ≥16 symbols each
EMC pre-compliance and troubleshooting (EMCVUxx-SVPC)
EN55011, EN55012, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN55025, EN55032, EN60601, DEF STAN, FCC Part 15, FCC Part18, MIL-STD 461G
EMC-EMI display, Wizard to setup accessories and limit lines, Inspect, Harmonic Markers, Level Target, Compare Traces, Measure Ambient, Report generation, Re-measure Spot

+Peak, Avg, Avg (of logs), Avg (VRMS), CISPR QuasiPeak, CISPR Peak, CISPR Average, CISPR Average of Logs, MIL +Peak, DEF STAN Avg, DEF STAN Peak

Limit lines
Up to 3 Limit Lines with corresponding margins
Resolution BW
Set per standard or user definable
Dwell time
Set per standard or user definable
Report format
PDF, HTML, MHT,RTF, XLSX, Image File format
Accessory type
Antenna, Near Field Probe, Cable, Amplifier, Limiter, Attenuator, Filter, Other
Correction format
Gain/Loss Constant, Gain/loss table, Antenna Factor
Save/recall up to 5 traces, Math trace (trace1 minus trace2), Ambient trace
Return Loss, Distance-to-Fault, and Cable Loss measurements
Return Loss, Cable Loss, Distance-to-Fault (DTF)
Frequency range
10 MHz to 3 GHz (RSA503A)
10 MHz to 7.5 GHz (RSA507A/513A/518A)
Sweep speed13
5 ms/point, Return Loss measurement
5 ms/point, Distance-to-Fault measurement
5 ms/point, Cable Loss measurement
Frequency resolution
500 Hz
Return Loss measurement error
Return Loss of 0 to 15 dB: ±0.5 dB
Return Loss of 15 to 25 dB: ±1.5 dB
Return Loss of 25 to 35 dB: ±4.0 dB
Return Loss measurement error at 14 dB Return Loss
±1.5 dB from 10 MHz to 6.8 GHz
±3.0 dB from 6.8 GHz to 7.5 GHz
Return Loss measurement range
50 dB
Interference immunity
Return Loss Measurement Error within specifications for the following conditions:
+5 dBm interferer power within 800 kHz of measurement point
+5 dBm interferer power more than 800 kHz away from measurement point
(High power test level. Interferer not included in accuracy assessment.)
Keine Garantie und/oder Gewährleistung.