Set of 6 Beautiful Handcrafted Door Knobs individually designed using 'Cath Kidston Birds & Flowers'

Wooden door knobs painted white, decorated using decoupage technique with Cath Kidston “Birds & Flowers”. 

Co-ordinating Pink spot trim on rim. 

Finished with several coats of satin vanish to make them durable. Would look equally good on cream base.

Please note that designs used may vary - but they will all have flowers & birds on them.

Each knob measures: 40mm Wide & 30mm Depth - Each supplied with Screw Fixing
The listing price is for a set of 6 Door Knobs.

Can also supply this design on smaller 35mm & larger 45mm door knobs. Please message with your enquiry.

Please take a look at my other items, as other decoupage items are available

If you require anything specific colour or design please contact me & I will only be too happy to help if I can.