Our Organic Whipped Shea Butter is especially formulated for eczema skin...I created this special Blend for My Granddaughter who suffers from eczema... ingredients are simply organic no coloring no coconut oil your getting pure whipped Shea butter...Raw Shea butter,Aloe oil,Rose water,hempseed oil.... no fragrance added this is sensitive enough for your face...yet with any new product you use for the first time always patch test before applying it all over... Our Shea butter /body butter is 100% whipped it isn't melted... we don't use water to cut our butter or coconut oil... there are no unnatural scents added & absolutely no food coloring in our butter That's what makes our body butter stand apart from the rest you see being sold... we want you to be able to use from head to toe... you will receive 99%Shea butter we only added Aloe,Rose water, hempseed oil to enhance the healing properties of our organic raw Shea butter...

The Picture in the listing is of me I don't have Eczema just very sensitive skin...this works amazing to recover my skin especially after sun exposure..Yet I formulated this butter for my Granddaughter who suffers from eczema which is My Rose it works wonders for her...

1. Anti Inflammatory Properties

2. Locks in Moisture

Unrefined shea butter is known for moisture and contains cetyl esters that lock in moisture. It makes the skin become more resistant since it locks in from the skin’s barrier.

3. Soothes Skin

As mentioned earlier, eczema can hurt. Unrefined shea butter contains fats that soothe the skin.

To treat your eczema, rub some unrefined shea butter on your body or the problem areas. This will leave your skin smooth and moisturized while the butter works to clear your your skin..