Macedoniae Et Thessaliae Phillip Cluver 1697

Title : Macedoniae Et Thessaliae

Description: Old antique map of the ancient Kingdoms Macedonia and Thessalie Greece.

Mapmaker: Phillip Cluver, Latinized as Philippus Cluverius studied law in Leiden and settled over there in 1615.

Origin: Cluver's Introductionis in universam geographiam. (edited by Johann Friedrich Heckel in the 17thcentury.)
16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints.
We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints.

Sheet app.: 27 x 23 cm. 10.5 x 9 inches
Image app.: 25 x 19.5 cm. 9.8 x 7.5 inches.
Condition: Very good engraved map. Fold as published.


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