Dennis Kolen - Northeim | Goldmine SACD

19,90 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. (DE) zzgl. Versandkosten

Der akustisch-rockige Musik-Stil, seine helle ausdrucksvolle Stimme und Dennis Kolens Vorliebe für den Close Harmony Gesang machen "Northeim | Goldmine" zum spannungsgeladenen Album zwischen Beschwingtem und Tiefgründigem, zwischen den Niederlanden und Kalifornien.

This singularly expressive voice belongs to a man who fears not the great ones, the likes of The Eagles or Jackson Browne. He simply reaches out for what all great artists pass on. This Northeim gold mine has musical gold on offer profusely - musical pearls on a string. Super-Audio-CD incl. 5.1-surround mix!

1. The Shape Of Things
2. Seaside Rendezvous
3. The Ties That Bind
4. For Cloud Dog And Jane
5. Stand Inside Love
6. Stay With Me
7. Hey California
8. She Knows Me So Well
9. The Boy In The Photograph
10. Halfway To Heaven
11. Your Goodnight Blues