Tomkov - River Avon (2022) Photo art print high-quality, coloured 50 x 30 cm.

Take Us River! Is one of my projects in progress through which I’m exploring the intertidal zone of River Avon (Bristol, UK). Due to the tides of the ocean the water level can shift 9 – 10 meters, twice every day. This constant change leaves this area rough and mostly untouched by people despite of the river flowing through the City of Bristol.
My exploration is to celebrate the power of nature and the constant change of our world. I see the intertidal zone as a small and accelerated model of our everchanging environment.

My photographs of this series are to show you the unexpected beauty which you can find everywhere around you. If one takes the time and effort to step away from the rush what we call civilised life, you can find that even the mundane and the ugly can be beautiful.

‘All art is propaganda, Orwell noted, and nature is political. So are gardens. Flowers. Trees. Water. Air. Soil. Weather.’ (Solnit, Rebecca; Orwell’s Roses; 2021)

Tomkov is a Bristol based documentary and landscape photographer, artist.

"My two main goals with photography is to show humanity the often overlooked beauty of our surroundings and to prove that we are still part of nature. Forgetting this has already got us to the brink of a global catastrophe. In my projects I am documenting our connection to our living space by photographing the traces we leave on our planet and on our so called civilised enviroment."