Austria Genealogical map House of Lorraine, Habsburg. Chatelain 1708

Title: Carte Genealogique De la Maison D'Autriche, avec les Branches des differents Princes de L'Europe qui en sont issus jusqu'es a l'An 1708.

Fascinating genealogical family tree dating back to the 12th century.
Sshowing the lineage of the House of Austria and Spain, including the Coat of Arms of the nobility, Lineage House of Lorraine and House of Habsburg. All in hand coloring.

Engraver / mapmaker : Chatelain, Henry Abraham (1684-1743).
Origin: Atlas historique / Châtelain, Gueudeville ; tome 2, no. 7.
Referece: Koeman II p. 33; Phillips 579.

16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints.
We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints.
A Certificate of Authenticity ( COA ) will be supplied on request.

Sheet app.: 22.5 x 26 inches. 47 x 66 cm.
Image app:. 20.25 x 23.75 inches. 51.5 x 60.5 cm.
Condition: View very good, folds as published.


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