Buy Ultra-Pure Zechstein Magnesium oil

The original from Essential Minerals

           As featured in Natural Health Magazine


Feeling Tired or run down?  Have restless legs? Suffer from stress, Insomnia or looking for something to soothe those aching muscles.. ?

Try Essential Minerals amazing Pure Zechstein magnesium oil for a few weeks and feel the difference..!!

Essential Minerals Magnesium Oil is pure and sourced directly from the ancient and pristine Zechstein Seabed.

This is the strongest  and purist form of magnesium available.

Used a part of daily routine our Magnesium oil will greatly improve your bodies magnesium levels. Applied directly to the skin it will absorb very easily and also leave no unwanted residue, Also known as Trans-dermal Magnesium Therapy. On first few applications the skin may tingle, which is a sign of magnesium deficiency and should stop after several uses. If the tingling is uncomfortable our oil may be diluted to a slightly weaker solution. Our oil has no scent, aroma or colour so can easily be applied at any time of the day. Buy with confidence.





Buy The Original Magnesium Oil from a trusted Source today!

Our Guarantee

Only products that carry the Zechstein inside logo are Zechstein products for cosmetic use. We guarantee all our products are Zechstein and are all fully approved and certified for cosmetic use. MSDS and safety certificates available on request. 



Real Customer reviews from Essential Minerals website!

"I'm so very very pleased & over the moon with the Zechstein Magnesium Oil Spray. I have quite a few medical conditions (Scoliosis, RSL, insomnia to name but a few) & had operations too so of course I've tried many products that will work alongside my medication & will not interfere with it. I am very much a sceptic as I've tried many products which have NOT worked. So I saw this product & read up about Magnesium spray & thought 'What the heck I'll try it' Lol. The day I received it I was in so much pain (from my back) that I was in tears so tried it (thinking this probably won't work) BUT to my surprise & joy about 20-30 mins later I realised the pain in my back had subsided considerably. I was over the moon & thought 'Hmmmmm maybe this is a fluke?' The same day in the evening my RLS decided to rear its ugly head! So I thought 'Well it says it is good for RLS let’s try it' SO once again I sprayed it on both legs & once again it seemed to help considerably & I managed to get some sleep. The next day my back was hurting again (it does every day) SO I sprayed some on my back & YES the pain subsided again YIPPEE! I was still skeptical that it was a coincidence & that evening sprayed some on the bottom of my feet (that is supposed to help you sleep) & about an hour later I drifted off to sleep! WOW! SO every day I sprayed it on my back when it was hurting & the pain subsided, when my RLS reared its head I sprayed it on my legs & it helped considerably & every evening sprayed some on the bottom of my feet. I've been using this now every day & can honestly say I am no longer a sceptic of this product. It does what it says & I am blown over by it & NEVER want to be without it. I am so happy & pleased I've even mentioned it to friends (who are going to buy it) mentioned it on a few sites I belong to so others can benefit from it. Thank you so much for this item I AM very impressed."
Gillingham, Kent


"I have a history of heart and lung disease and regularly have numerous prescribed tablets to take. I also suffer from arthritis of the knees, hips and hands. I can take as many as 17 pain killers a day but I was becoming worried I was taking too many tablets in a day. I had heard from a friend that she had some good results with using Magnesium spray so thought I would try it. What a difference it makes. Although it does not alleviate the pain completely it brings it down to a bearable acceptable level without the need to be constantly taking tablets.I would certainly recommend Essential Minerals magnesium spray and excellent service, all at an acceptable price.”
Mr Robert Clarke - Sheffield Recommends Essential Minerals Magnesium Spray for regular use and relief of muscular and arthritic pain.


I suffer from night cramps in my legs on a regular basis,  I started using Essential Minerals Magnesium oil only six days ago and I have not had leg cramps once in that time.  I use 3 or 4 squirts on each leg in the morning after my shower and again before I go to bed at night.  I was surprised to find that it is in fact not oily and rubs in quickly, I am very impressed with it and have already recommended it to my friends.
Eileen – Yorkshire


I found your Magnesium oil wonderful. When I first ordered it my eye had been twitching for 4 months! I had tried everything. After using the magnesium oil the twitching stopped after a week. I've also had the best night’s sleep since I can't remember when. I'm officially hooked!
Sarah - Chelmsford


The magnesium spray done its job and more, strongly recommend it.
Rob Dixon


Excellent quality 
I highly recommend Pure Zechstein Magnesium Oil.
it definitely helped my swollen and painful joints on my hand. After 4 weeks of using it, swelling dramatically reduced and I am now able to squeeze all my fingers into a fist without any discomfort.
I will keep using it all over body as i am convinced of its benefits to my health, 6 months of using oils is equal of 2 years taking Mg tablets.
Prompt delivery and price is added bonus.


I use daily to help with the deep muscle ache I have in my back, it really makes a difference. Would recommend to everyone.