Dragon Acupuncture Acupressure Ear Beads Pellets Seeds 300 counts Refill


This technique uses seeds; herbs; or stainless steel, silver, or gold balls, or any object that is hard and smooth, for stimulating ear points. Other objects that may be used include herbal seed such asWang Bu Liu Xing (Semen Vaccariae Segetalis),Lai Fu Zi (Semen Raphani Sativi), herbal pills includingLiu Shen Wan, andHou Zeng Wan. Magnetic balls may also be applied to points using adhesive tape. This technique is based on the same principles as the filiform and embedded needle techniques. It is easy to use. The indications are wide, and it is a preferred treatment for patients who are sensitive to needles, for children, and for the elderly.


The technique is similar to embedding the needle. The ear should be cleaned with 70% alcohol before applying the seed with adhesive tape. To apply, hold the ear with your pressing hand and apply the seed with the puncturing hand. The seeds may be applied bilaterally, or if the condition being treated is only on one side of the body, apply the seed to that side only.


The seeds will need to be pressed for stimulation. Children and patients who are elderly, weak, sensitive, and pregnant women should only receive light stimulation. For patients with acute disease, inflammation, painful conditions, stronger constitutions, or rough skin of the ears, use a stronger stimulation technique. With this therapy, patients may feel hot, distending, or radiating sensations.


The seeds may be retained for 3 to 5 days. During the summer, when it is hotter, the seeds should stay on for less time. Some patients may be sensitive to the adhesive tape, so a hypoallergenic tape should be used. The patient should be instructed to apply pressure to the seeds two to three times daily. Five treatments constitute a course, with 1 to 2 days of rest between courses.


Clinical research has shown this therapy to be as effective as the other techniques. As the seed creates continual stimulation to the points, it is useful for chronic conditions, including bronchitis, hypertension, neurasthenia, and incontinence." sciencedirect.com

300 Accupresure seeds refill kit with included chart. Placement tool / tweezers not provided.