This fascinating group of three Czarist period World War One covers were all written Leonid Pjankoff at Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen.  The first cover is from the town of Ekaterinburg (ironically the town where the Czar and his family were murdered in 1918).  It has one 20 kopeck stamp and four ink stamps  in addition to the envelope being folded and sealed with sealing wax and an Imperial stamp.  The second cover is from Moscow and the address information is typed both in Roman letters and in Cyrillic.  It has two 10 Kopeck stamps and four cancellation or security ink stamps.  The third cover is from the town of Orel and it has four postage stamps (two 3 kopeck stamps and two 7 kopeck stamps).  Additionally, the envelope is also intentionally folded and sealed in place with sealing wax and an Imperial stamp (apparently for security). It also has five ink stamps and cancellations.  It is interesting to think of the events in the world and Russia at that time of war and fast approaching revolution.   All the covers have been obviously used and two have minor tears otherwise all are in good condition.  

Stock number SA2A-383(3)