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( 1 ) - Yellow Flowering Fragrant Tea Olive ( osmanthus ) - Starter Plant ( M )

 Yellow Flowering Fragrant Tea Olive

Osmanthus fragrans thungergii


Blossoms of this hardy tea olive are lemon yellow in color and their impact can be significant. The strong fragrance can be smelled from several hundred feet away. Tiny yellow flowers bloom in clusters along the stems. Typically does not bloom when young. Leaves are dark, glossy green, arranged oppositely on the stem, and may be finely toothed or smooth. Sweet olive blooms during the cool season. Expect it to bloom in late fall and again in early spring. Sweet olive does best in fertile, moist, well-drained, slightly acid soil. Sunlight or partial shade suits it well.


Mature Height : 8-12 Feet

Mature Width : 6-8 Feet

Exposure : Full sun to partial shade

Hardiness Zones : 7-9

Starter Plugs are grown in trays and therefore will be SHIPPED WITHOUT A POT

 !!, We will do our best to keep the soil and rootball intact by wrapping each

 plant but they will not be shipped in a pot

Actual plant sizes vary from one crop to the next and from one season to the next. Please contact us for current plant sizes


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