New CD, Polish Release   

The jubilee edition of Elżbieta Adamiak's album released on a black CD on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Polskie Nagrania. It is the artist's first studio album for which she has composed music. The texts were written mostly by Andrzej Poniedzielski, but also by Jacek Cygan and  Jerzy Harasymowicz ("Autumn Revolution").

The album was recorded in October  in 1980. The album charms with its mood, wise lyrics and fantastic music. The artist is accompanied by an instrumental ensemble led by Janusz Strobl, who also arranged the songs. Next to him are some of the greatest figures of the Polish music scene: Włodzimierz Nahorny, Janusz Stefański, Henryk Miśkiewicz, Paweł Jarzębski.

An unusual album, full of shine and beauty. Perfect for evenings and mornings.


1. Describing the Apartment (2:51)
2. Let me pick up my tears (4:27)
3. Conversation by dim lights (3:36)
4. Gray Song (3:01)
5.Autumnal Reflection (3:17)
6. Stone (3:09)
7. Situation at the Door (2:31)
8. Well, I guess spring (4:15)
9. Time of Your Life (2:37)
10. I move on the verge of kitsch (3:10)
11. Together (3:05)
12. Time grows within us ... (5:05)

If you are looking for some others polish releases please let me know :)