War in Ukraine 2022 wrist bracelet Azovstal ,limited edition first batch 10000 pcs


  "Azovstal" is a metallurgical plant in Mariupol, Ukraine.  Its history is almost 90 years old.  A lot of extremely strong and durable structures were made from the steel welded here: bridges, spaceships, as well as armor for tanks.

  In 2022, after the full-scale invasion of Russia into the territory of Ukraine, the Azovstal plant of the Metinvest Group became the last fortress of Mariupol.

  The enemy almost completely destroyed 11 square kilometers of the plant's territory.  But neither threats, nor constant bombings, nor a siege broke the will of Ukrainians.

  In the end, the word "Azovstal" from the plant's own name turned into a common name - a symbol of indomitability, courage and spirit of the entire people.


  Steel is an extremely strong and durable alloy that can be remelted many times without losing its qualities.  For the bracelets, we used steel made on the legendary rolling mill 3600.

  It was from such steel that in 1981 a shaft for launching a spacecraft was made, and in 2012 — a new sarcophagus at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  In 2022, the sheet-rolling shop, where mill 3600 worked for many years, became one of the places where the defenders of Mariupol heroically defended their steel fortress.