Labradorite Hamsa amulet.

Features a silver plated alloy metal Hamza amulet with a Jade ( glass or some other gemstone simulation) cab in the center for the eye. I have attached a sterling silver split ring To a 34 inch natural hand polished labradorite chip beaded (on thick nylon cord )necklace (which makes the Amulet removable and attachable to anything else you wish to attach it to . ) Necklace and amulet Weigh 77 grams total. Labradorite chip necklace is 34 inches long and Can be doubled up . The labradorite on this necklace is of average quality with a fair amount Of iridescence showing when light hits it.

This amulet will be personally blessed for its recipient, and then packaged inside of a gift box with a blessing written on papyrus and sealed with saffron ink using my blessed feather pen.


Used universally to protect against evil eye, a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness, death or just general unluckiness, hamsas often contain an eye symbol. Much like the Nazar amulet, the Hamsa is also a big part of Egyptian culture today.

Scholars can’t seem to agree on the origins of the symbol. However there’s one theory

that postulates a connection between the khamsa and the Mano Pantea (or Hand-of-the-All-Goddess), an amulet known to ancient Egyptians as the Two Fingers. In this amulet, the Two Fingers represent Isis and Osiris and the thumb represents their child Horus. It was used to invoke the protective spirits of parents over their child. Another theory traces the origins of the hamsa to Carthage (Phoenicia, modern Tunisia) where the hand (or in some cases vulva) of the supreme deity Tanit was used to ward off the evil eye.

This relates to the belief that God exists in everything. Another meaning of this symbol relates to the sky god, Horus. It refers to the Eye of Horus, which means humans cannot escape from the eye of conscience. It says that the sun and moon are the eyes of Horus.