Imperii Orientalis ancient Byzantine Empire De l’Isle 1789

Title: Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum, sub Constantino Porphy-rogenito et ejus praedecessoribus descriptio.

Auctore Guillelmo Del'Isle e Regia Scientiarum Academia, ad novam editionem Libri Constantini Porphyrogeniti de Administrando Imperio quae prodit studio An-selmi Bandurii, Monachi Benedictini Ragusini Melitensis cum ejus dem note et ani-madversionibus.

A Paris Chez Dezauche, Rue des Noyers pres celle des Anglois.

Description: Imperii Orientalis old antique map with borders of the Byzantine Empire during Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus the fourth Emperor of the Macedonian dynasty.

Delisle Guillaume (1675 - 1726)
Guillaume Delisle, also spelled Guillaume de l'Isle, was a French cartog-rapher.
Jean-Claude Dezauche geographically fund Guillaume Delisle and Philippe Buache.

Banduri, Anselmo Maria, 1675-1743/
This edition, revised an updated by Dezauche in 1789.
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Sheet app.: 77 x 56 cm. 30.25 x 21.75 inches.
Image app:. 64 x 47.5 cm. 25 x 18.75 inches.
Condition: Large map in hand coloring original borders edges browned. Condition good.


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