El so�ador y las damas/Once a Dreamer (Spanish) by Candice Hern (Soft cover, 2011)

"The Busybody" counseled Eleanor Tennant's headstrong niece to "follow her heart" sending the impressionable girl racing into the arms of a notorious rake. And Eleanor is furious! The fiery Miss Tennant wants satisfaction from the popular lady columnist who ruined young Belinda's life. But imagine Eleanor's surprise when she discovers the anonymous author of the odious advice is a disarmingly attractive man named Simon Westover! Well, the handsome cad is responsible for this outrage, and he will set things right! As for Simon, he must protect his "Busybody" identity at all costs and therefore agrees to help Eleanor scour the English countryside for missing Belinda and her paramour. But the intoxicating nearness of the exquisite lady not to mention her dazzling, emerald eyes and lush, kissable lips is almost too much for a hopeless romantic like Simon to bear. Yet how can he convince Eleanor that he is no mere meddler but a passionate male with intense desires...and prove to the stubborn, straightforward miss that dreams of love can come true?



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