Introducing our delightful Child's Wooden Food Mixer and Cake Baking Play Set! This beautiful kitchen set includes a food mixer, kitchen scales, a cake, and plenty of cooking ingredients for endless imaginative play.


Watch as your little one uses the measuring mug and scales to carefully weigh each ingredient before mixing them together in the mixing bowl. Then, decorate the magnetic party cake with candles and decorations for the perfect pretend tea party.


Crafted from high-quality wood with rounded edges and non-toxic water-based paints, this set is designed for hours of safe and enjoyable playtime.


Looking for a fun and engaging toy for your child? Look no further than our Child's Wooden Food Mixer and Cake Baking Play Set! This adorable kitchen set features a food mixer, kitchen scales, a cake, and a variety of cooking ingredients to spark your child's creativity.

Watch as they measure, mix, and decorate the magnetic party cake with candles and decorations for the ultimate pretend tea party. Made from durable wood with smooth edges and non-toxic paints, this set is sure to provide hours of safe and entertaining play for your little one.


Get ready for hours of pretend play fun with our Child's Wooden Food Mixer and Cake Baking Play Set! This charming kitchen set includes a food mixer, kitchen scales, a cake, and a selection of cooking ingredients for endless imaginative adventures. Watch as your child measures and mixes the ingredients in the mixing bowl before decorating the magnetic party cake with candles and decorations.



1x Food mixer

1x 4 pc magnetic cake

4x candles

8x cake decorations

1x Flower

1x measuring mug

1x scales

1x mixing bowl

2x Cup Cakes

3x Sweets

Recommended age 3+ years