Very good condition or better. 50 pages

Contents in English.

march 1946 Cover image March 1946 Mood of the Marchs in the South Island in the Prince William Sund " , Alaska Castle Pfalz in the Rhine near Kaub Dies and The Upper Bavarian Villages in the American occupation zone . . Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi . . Freed Spices - Dr. W. Schweisheimer Famous Service Workers By Carry Brachvogel . . Women's Women's Horse - From Ola Msen The Great Lie - From Der Franz Schatz Friedrich in Garden Oberhauſer Von O. Soel Chat and our House Readers Rohagen - From Roman German by Ilse - Dore Dichtung Tanner Die Kabe . - Mudder - Roesch von - Marga And From Stiehler next Werner Year Granville, Schmidt In Mutters the Kramladen mountains - By M. Diers Allerlei . . New Sauerkraut from our handmade basket In the garden cure man - employees The art now has all hands of our medical decoration full of household and the kitchen latest The fashion kitchen Hot The letterbox Seebad for entertainment Moonlight magic Saltsjebaden am , at the end of the day Anecdotes in the pond coast of the Sweden court garden of Düsseldorf am Rhein . .

Ladies on horses ( after paintings by famous artists ) Right : Margareta , Oberstatthalerin der Netherlands , on her entry into the city of Ghent . ( Fig. 1 ) At the bottom left : Marie Antoinette ( Queen of France ) in wrinkled fruit and silk vest ( Fig. 2 ) . In addition : Hunting train after a painting by Swebach around 1800 . ( Fig. 3 ) The morning sun plays in the refreshed green and Ge D throws its lights on the beguiled grasses . Horseback riders sound, a cavalkade of happy riders and the silent hour and the refreshing air. dit enjoys the slim fit The comfortable, stylish riding dress the zu Ch ON

because securitised rights were hunting this favor . The phan tasie surrounded the rider with nimbus and elan of the figure and movement . 3war broke away from us the portrait of Margareta of Parma, ( Fig. 1 ) of the daughter of Emperor Charles V, of this illusion . Schiller describes her in the history of the waste of the Netherlands " as a woman with a male spirit and inclinations whose whole way of life mocked her sex . Their course showed so little grace that they were seeking to consider them a disguised man. Our picture represents the entry of the Regent in Gent ( 1559 ), where her brother Philipp received her with shiny followers . Your person seems highly unobtrusive and inconspicuous, while the heavy , massive horse is splendid and colourful. A gold . embroidered purple ceiling is above the back, the reins traveled golden coats of arms and clamps, from mane and tail protrude colorful ostrich feathers up to height . In the background, one can see the walls and flowing crowds. The French glory of the 18th century loved the elegant rider. At that time, in clothing the sports element came completely into the background and the fantastic note, which all and each dominated also the rider pressed her stamp. They even sat in the frock on horses , and the ladies who hoped for a sensation every hour , from their fashions, they made the most aparted riding suits work , which were always copied a little of the men's fashion . So we see the Queen Marie Antoinette, who is model and quoted in all fashionable questions, on a painting by 2. A. Brun in the uniform ( Fig. 2 ) in the men's men's men, with feather hat, sash and leg dresses as they loved to wear. It was at that time common to ride in the gentleman's house and only allowed one ruler who created revolutions in many questions of custom and ancient views .

Above : The ,, Amazone of Longchamps " . ( Fig. 4 ) . Down left : The unhappy Empress Elisabeth of Desterreich . ( Fig. 5 ) . In addition : Viktoria of England with Louis Philipp , the citizen king of France . ( Fig. 6 ) .