Very good condition. 50 pages

Page Side Magnificent mountains 1 Park in the State of Kentucky 2 Christmas mail 3 From Over . . 4 From our folder . 5 This and the 6 people in the snow 7 Christmas music . . 9 city without ice and snow. . 10 What he tells 11 Old Prunkwagen . . . . Dr. W. Büttner 12 Aunt comes to visit . . 14 The Heavenly Postman . . F . Renter 15 chat with our readers . . 16 Love is the way - From Roman . . G. 17 German seal . . 25 The number of reconciliation of the . . 27 Christkindl H. Multerer 29 Loyalty to faithfulness . . . 30 The unobedient star line ... Breuer 31 Tim's great chance . . * 32 tears . . . . C. 33 Adele and the raisin 35 handcrafted. . 36 Christmas pastries . . . . 40 Do not spoil the children! 41 children in dress . . Fashion . . 43 - Kitchen - Brieftaſten 45 farm houses . . in the state of New York sledging drivers . . 51 in the Sierra Nevada , Caliph . .. 52

Old historical pruning wagon right : bridal wagon of Duke Saxony von zur Wedding with Anna von Sachsen ( 1586 ) . Among them : Small body of a Spanish prince ( Madrid 1695 ) . Ka ann man gave a bigger difference than the one of those of a car first class and mo 200 a years ago, as Lurus cars show him by our pictures ? acting today a by vehicle elegant, representing lines in one of its whole embodiments construction of the term speed and on which, above technology, the one that delights the eye to the eye, there is a heavy rack of carriage on which not the least of « electricity lines » but which was so much more overloaded. From the old fashionable bodies " the expression body transferred to the car , but the one who is almost visually representing how to live today , and how to get Felte . the absence of human dive existence at that time turned away in such a way the illustrated fairy tale-kitchen newspapers still on an , nur or a state juice Krö , for example

Right : ,, Berlin " states dare the King Max bes I of Bavaria in Marstall . Museum in Munich XTART HEN LETOMAN Among them : Coronation body Rarls VII . ( 1741 ) , spanned with six trains . Below left : Garden Calesche ( 1748 ) Castle Monbijou , Berlin . lichen up to our days , which have received countless , worse bodies it was apart but have been fertilized the pre-sacrifice others report the long time the same as in dresses fashion . Later fell. , Originally written times was that one wanted to pay every personality by this, pronounced means of transport for carriage a significant honor of the sex . there were also exceptions . So the male proud Elisabeth of England did not like to drive in the car , they 30g riding before . On the other hand, in the 16th century it was still considered to be confusive when men used the carriages . It was the age of the regulations against Lurus; they did not stop precisely before the Wa . Namely to the glittering gilding of the fact that they put his carriage to it Ver . The seriousness was handled in such a beautiful gesture even only 3. B. one: prince, powerful bride or one held statesman, it was a custom to enter himself that everyone , incoming of the something promised , he sent his empty slide to him , which then joined the trains . font In this way out of carriages of the number of which the high guest followed carriages of rank and , favor of whose favor close to . the farms greenhouse air more sensitive to the men of the barody period at all made it casual in shame to lean one more fund instead of wagons . Horses himself with the plague . 13

Winter as a Sunny painter Ewing Winter picture Galloway in the park of Owensboro, in the state of Kentucky .

Christmas mail in the good old time . "

The winter of the present with which the past times have only a general very similar. previously it was feared the cold time, year buried in the searched houses which longed, warm furnace and hearty to the Lenz at the highest. that the youth rejoiced in winter because there were snowballs, snowmen, sled rides and ice rinks . A special for preference for winter was not present at all. One was glad when he passed, vie le is glad when he starts, and have brought to the end in unique 3u collecting sports, and hygiene art. modest The winter mountain breeds of the past today are the nerve-stealing exercises of tobogganing, skiing, hockey, winter fountain baths and the pleasure of the sparkling splendour of the

Happy American youth in a town of the state of Illinois people in the snow

another Christian feast is so close music, connected to the celebration with the Holy Night . but the glad tidings became part of the world as the shepherd found the birth of the angel field. Christ's appearance bol the angels , Christmas celebration the eternal sym , indicates the close link of Christmas with music . For the angels is music, they are the shepherds the message of Christmas and the night their wonderful raise of Direct Bache Ansiver Johann Sebastian Bach ( 1685-1750 ) catch in thousands of times , repeatedly renewing clauses . From the cheering of humanity over the proclamation of the angels, a wealth of the most beautiful and deepest music emerged. Thus Christmas music turns to people and today as well as in the past as in recent times they find elevation and new strength in the music of those geniuses whose art has become the cultural asset of all humanity . One of the most noble examples of such music is the consecration of the night oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, the great Urquell , from which faſt everything that in modern music

Ewing Galiow Winter as a painter painter Winter visits lonely farm farms in the wooded district of the State of New York .

Ewing The Galloway Winter as a painter sledge driver in the fairy tale-like beautiful forest and mountain area of the Sierra Nevada , California .