Via this listing, you will obtain ~100x or more Master Ball or Any Other Ball. This process will take ~45 minutes. Further information and detailed instructions will be sent once an order is placed and message received.

Be sure to message me here on eBay with your in-game(trainer) name and your hours of availability so we can arrange the exchange. If you don't, it'll be assumed you're not yet ready to receive your order. Make sure you do message and not just use buyer's note. You can also send me your Discord and I will add you there for faster communication and trading.

Now, it should be obvious, but common sense really isn't common anymore and every day I get a buyer more ignorant than the last, which always blows me away, so I will just say this - if you message me and don't get a response, then I'm either sleeping, eating, shitting or some other important/serious matter has my attention. Don't spam me like an absolute fucking retard - I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible, and you will receive your item within the listing's stated postage time.