Very good condition or better. 50 pages

Some contents in English.

The housewife No. 7 year 45 May , 1949 Content Angels Arrival , Zion Natl . Park , Utah . . 1 walk in Honolulu 2 New York in spring . . 3 Dr. M. Giant In the rich of colours of living beings .... 7 May , the tulip month in Holland , Me . 8 Around repentance . . . .11 The thunder chair . . .12 B. Rehse Paulinchen and Radio . .13 Chat with our readers . . . .14 Mothers - - Roman .... .15 Ernst Zahn Are you already insured ? .. . .23 The oath . . . .27 M. Labler - Sirowy Cherries . . ... 29 K. Remling The Tornado . . . .30 G. Persian artificial sweetener in diabetics . .32 Medical employee What a little bird experienced .33 handicrafts . . . .34 Small beauty advice . . . .37 Happiness children and pain drying . . . .38 A. v . Luetgendorff Zank in the presence of the children . .39 The kitchen in May .... . 7 The lost umbrellas ... . .41 1 The new fashion . . . 7 Entertainment . .44 Our garden in May . . . .45 e From Over . . . . . .46 e Letterbox of the editorial staff . .47 11 5 . Who is looking for relatives? .. . .48 Premium list . . . .49 r This and that ... . .50 e , shoe cleaner in Lihne , Kanai - Hawaii . .51 Stone garden Canyon Natl . 52 b in Kings Park 11

Three Lions On Hawaii . The small shoe - boys jorgen for that in Lihne , Canai , T. UN H. All shiny " shoes wear .

Coca On Hawaii . Walk in Honolulu in a neighborhood inhabited by natives .

BRUCT drag steamer in New York A. Devaney , Inc. ( Manhattan seen from the Brooklyn Bridge ) New York in spring Don Dr. Max Rieser

Don Dr. Ma n ew York is a bright city . Contrary to the popular ideas, it has more light and far free space than the great world cities of the West, or Paris, despite the huge towers of Manhattan . The European who enters this city for the first time will hardly trust his eyes, for he has thought everything far more and darker . He will be surprised and close by the light-flooded avenues and parks . need that the narrow street gorges of the old town around Wallstreet are not a tiny point in the giant area of the city, although important, which extends from the seaside south tip in Brooklyn to the north end at Mount Vernon 24 miles. The New York winter is often wind-whipped , but rarely strict . When the linden spring brisks begin to blow from the south , then lawns quickly recover , shrubs of barks cover themselves with the green fluff and everyone breathes at ease , because air

York In front of the library in New Press Photo Service Monkmeyer Continue north near the obelisk of the Metropolitan Mu ( Cleopatra needle ) behind which seum the magnolia shrubs unfold their delicate flower and even further opposite the graceful construction of the Muſeum of the city of New York at 103th Street is a pretty , beſonders satisfied garden with flowering cherries trees and a colourful sparkling flower carpet on the well-kept lawn. From the sanctuary of birds located nearby , the birds chirp between the rocks and trees . Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue in the city centre also sets the first flower jewelry . There is an open courtyard between the grey-blue marble walls, in which magnificent flower beds between figures and fountains are embedded. Open the spring's own , daffodils " , which cultivate violets to follow . In the background, the youthful figures of the skating skating skating are still moving on the artificial ice of the lower pond, with fence guests looking at the courageous from the street pavement or visitors looking at the windows of the neighboring cafe's . Soechterrassen Meanwhile, the RCA Building covers the thirteenth floor with flower-filled gardens gardens. from Dies New are the York, the nen Gardens a of the quarter of a million nations, in de Very flowers early their Bryant awakened colors park that unfolds at the . the public and the hibernation library thrives on the lawn of the public, because as it were, this green in the tree greenhouse.

Washington Square in New York Europa Picture Service

What in California ( Pasadena ) of the roses carnival , in Oſten ( Di strict of Columbia ) , the famous cherry flowers , that is for the middle west ( Holland - Michigan ) the ,, tulip festival " . In spring Hol land is a small town of 30,000 inhabitants in the state of Michigan, decorated with millions of tulips . Aecker, gardens and paths a .... only all iſt , wonderful Far bensymphony . In 1927 a visitor of the place gave the inhabitants the idea small their city in the nation whole famous to ma chen . This is because name and 85 percent of the residents of Dutch 8

Spring on the Connecticut River, in Vermont State

Photos : European Picture New Spring - Hairstyle titled ,, Love bird - Fantasy " ,, Love bird - Fantasy " Backhead ( View ) Winned the What Service - ( Price in the International Hairstyle - Exhibition )