Very good condition or better. 50 pages

Contents in English.

May 1946 Cover picture Walk in May Group Greek Indians Women on Corfu from Acoma , New Mexico Dies und Das Schlösser in der Schweiz By Marie Widmer . . Goethe's mother Winona , in the State of Minnesota By Helene Pollack Maibowle at Wilhelm Busch - Martin Finnish Besold Proverbs - By Friedrich The famous Fije Tyrolean painter Two Franz People of Defregger . . - By Josef Stollreiter Zum Mother's Day ( House of Chat Rohagen with - our novel readers ) From German by Ilse - Dore Dichtung Tanner ( 4th Fort . and conclusion ) The three mothers The Of Clara . . Mountain guide Bluethgen Mother story Own earth by Gertrud By Reiser W. Beate Baltinester and Viktoria - From How Oskar the Gluth Franzel Allerlei work New learned from New our spring sun handmade basket - Wonderkinder New Health . . . From us . doctor. Employees . Bum Mother's Day Latest templates Advice for home The kitchen to - Spring Letterbox and editing Summer Dresses - Merikanische , Florist Humor Anecdotes Bulgarian Flower Picker

Good costume pictures FO W Group Greek women , girls and children on the island of Corfu in the Adriatic Sea .

Switzerland is the country of castles . From the forest-covered Jura - territories to the west, to the rugged mountains of the southern east, from Nor to the south, scattered across Switzerland, we find castles the and ruins of castles . In this area, there is about 3000 fortresses . They were mostly built near each other and often in remote mountain areas, difficult to reach, to shoot against any attacks. One could assume that the castles were the Sig of Robbery Knights, but in reality they offered the shot for the land and its passages .

and building . At the age of seventeen ( on 20. 1748 ) the daughter of the city school married a man whose right was, of course, more respect than love . But still marriage to the Imperial Council Kasper Goethe was not unhappy . Although the Lord did not spare his wife with lessons, sufficiently healthy sense and natural humour had not darken the sun in their existence From the children, to which Mrs. Council lived only Wolfgang and Kornelia. hans Wolfgängchen , the poet , was her favorite . She remained a worried sociability for her life, hosted with sincere honourable the numerous honourable admirers of her son in Frankfurt, proudly led the name of a woman Aja, who likes to donate Heymonskinders " from the furter . The sober Mr Council, of course, did not always agree to the fun . And since Mrs Aja often accept all the art of her soothing to vote the old Lord in favour again. When her son reached high honor in Weimar, she was allowed to become the happiest mother on earth After Weimar, she did not come . But all of them in the town of Ilmstädt brought the most intimate to meet. She paid for the son who still in the

Right : A portrait of the painter Left below : ,, The Sennerin " , Del Painting by Defregger Besides : The birthplace of the painter in Stronach in the Tyrolean Pustertal . w he does not already have pictures of Defregger in galleries , on or as ions in magazines ( in the ,, " ) . Defregger , in 1835 as the son of a tirol , on which was a great Ederhof near and large in beautiful painter East , and whose interior pictures mountain landscapes with that of their real alpine air A German poor painting of the last century Reiffen der . whole shepherd's remains belong to which he was not, he had not been, son old from farmer's good sex, the Tyrolean house family tree and up

WOMENY Traditional Pictures Mexican Flowers dealer in simple but effective young girl costume .

Three Lions Trachtenbilder Bulgarian Flower Picker from the famous Rojen Valley " , which supplies the world with rojen oil.

create . As a result of the destruction of almost all hotels in Essen there is a great lack of overnight opportunities , the famous Essener Handels hof will be rebuilt and directed as a hotel . from the Taunus The example of other circles will now also be published shortly , in the Obertaunus Circle of the Country Council " at first weekly . In the nuskreis Obertau, all secondary schools are now open to the public in addition to the people. a vocational schools exception have resumed in the course of the school in agriculture with the classes in domestic economy without exception. the already in Bad 28 800 Klaffen Homburg students are with , and approximately in with almost Oberursel 400 23 Klafen . the upper school Lehrlin has established and has the purpose of the upper school. Sense tur courses is suitable to those young to the knowledge of the people war by man, the great gaps in adherence