Title of the map:

"AMERIQUE MERIDIONALE. COTE SUD DE LA TERRE DE FEU. ARCHIPEL DU CAP HORN ET CANAL DE BEAGLE, du Détroit de Lemaire à la Baie de Cook, Levées en 1882-83 à bord de la Romanche, Commandée par M. Martial, Capitaine de Frégate, Chef de la mission du Cap Horn, par M. M. De Lajarte, R. De Carfort, lieutenants de vaisseau et De La Monneraye, enseigne de vaisseau. Direction Générale des Services Hydrographiques de la Marine 1885."

One of the first accurate and detailed map of the region of Tierra del Fuego to be reissued until 1986 by the Service Hydrographique de la Marine.

Very large antique sea chart of the southern coast of the Tierra del Fuego, the Cap Horn and the Beagle channel. Beagle channel is a strait in the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, on the extreme southern tip of South America between Chile and Argentina. 

The channel separates the larger main island of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego from various smaller islands including the islands of Picton, Lennox and Nueva, Navarino, Hoste, Londonderry, and Stewart. 

In right side, the strait of Lemaire. 

At the International Congress of Meteorology in Rome in April 1879, eleven European countries and the United States decided to collaborate and organize on the occasion of the international polar year of 1882-1883 a vast study on the magnetic and meteorological phenomena of the planet, two new sciences at the time. The following year, it was decided to establish 15 polar stations to conduct the observations, one of which was entrusted to France in Cap Horn.

A commission under the scientific supervision of the Natural History Museum and the Académie des Sciences, coordinates the programme and work of the French expedition. In addition to the climatological and physical part, the mission is responsable for geological, botanical, zoological and ethnographic studies. Louis-Ferdinand Martial (1836-1885) was an explorer and fregate captain who was appointed leader of the expedition on the three-mast La Romanche, a national navy building. The ship left Cherbourg on 17 July 1882 with 140 people on board and arrived on 6 September in Orange Bay 40 km from Cap Horn.

A team goes ashore to collect meteorological, astronomical, botanical, zoological and ethnological data, the rest of the crew sails along the coasts to make cartographic and hydrographic surveys. Among the most notable results of this expedition is the observation of the indigenous population to which Lieutenant Edmond Joseph Augustin Payen (1849-1884) dedicated himself, and Marine Physician Paul Daniel Hyades and the establishment of the first accurate and detailed maps of the region.

Dr Hyades and four companions established on Hoste Island in the south of Tierra del Fuego, in Orange Bay, a base composed of a small observatory-laboratory. From September 1882 to September 1883, they explored Packsaddle Bay, Tekinika Bay and Ponsonby Sound on whaling boats and climbed the Sentry-Boxes chain. They observe and carry out ethnographic and anthropological studies of the Fuégian Indians Yahgans and Onas. Three hundred and twenty-three negatives on glass plates are reported as well as many anthropological pieces. This set constitutes a unique photographic testimony, since in three decades the Indians of the Tierra del Fuego are decimated by tuberculosis and other epidemics.

The map is copper engraved by Gérin, dated 1885.

The text is from Vialard.

The marine depths are indicated, as well as a lot of names along the coast. The moutains are well described.

On the map, the watermark "P. M. Arches, Service Hydrographique de la Marine", that means that the map has been printed on paper d'Arches.

Size with margins : 107,5 x 75 cm / 42,1 x 29,5 inches

Condition : very good condition, handed colored.

Edition : Paris, edited in 1891, from a map of 1885, Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine, 19th Century.

The Depot de la Marine, also named as Depot des cartes et plans de la Marine, was the official institution of maps in France. It has been created by Philippe d'Orléans, named Le Regent (1674-1723). 

This institution was the contributor of the knownledge in France about marine and navigation. Most of mapmakers worked for it, as Nicholas Bellin, Buache, Bauche, Bonne and Beautemps-Beaupré. The Depot became in 1806 the Naval Hydrographic service, and still exists today with the name SHOM (service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine).

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