Frezyderm Prodilac Restore 30caps

Combination of eleven probiotic strains for adolescents and adults from 16 to 50 years. It is suitable for maintaining a healthy balance and normal functioning of the intestinal microflora during the period of taking antibiotics, gastroenteritis, virus, constipation, change of diet and change of environment during travel. Contributes to the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals, bone health (especially after menopause) and well-being. At the same time, it prevents and improves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, lethargy, fatigue, diet and stress. Probiotics in microcapsules are secured by stomach acids and released targeted into the intestine.

1 Prodilac RESTORE capsule contains 500 million live strains at the expiration date:

B. longum BB536, L. acidophilus LA-14, L. rhamnosus PB01, L. salivarius LS-33, L. casei LC-11, L. plantarum LP-115, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus SP5, B. bifidum BB-02, B. lactis Bl-04, Lactococcus lactis LL-23, S. thermophilus St-21

How To Use


B. longum BB536, L. acidophilus LA-14, L. rhamnosus PB01, L. salivarius LS-33, L. casei LC-11, L. plantarum LP-115, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus SP5, B. bifidum BB-02, B. lactis Bl-04, Lactococcus lactis LL-23, S. thermophilus St-21