πŸ”₯Extremely Hot WHITE GHOST CHILLI BHUT JOLOKIA / Naga Jolokia - 10 Seeds πŸ”₯


Harvesting vegetables/ Fruits from your own garden ……..,,,πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŒΎπŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŒΎ

This Naga variety is extremely hot, but has a flavor that is quite unique. Many specialists say that Bengal Naga is as spicy as Rafi and like the Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper), it has a sweet and slightly tart flavor, followed by slight undertones of woody, smoky flavors. This chili is traditionally used green by the Bangladesh is, often eaten raw as a side dish. It is well suited for BBQ and grilling due to its unique flavor profile

An Extreme Hot Woody, Smoky & Tart Flavoured Classic Chilli for spicy lovers.

Naga cuisine is the traditional cuisine of the Naga people. It features meats and fish, which are often smoked, dried or fermented .

Recently popular food for Naga lovers:

Naga doner kebab , Naha wings , Naga pickles, Naga Sauce etc . Naga wings and doner kebab are One of the most well-known British Bangladeshi kebabs commonly eaten in East London, England. It is made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, and then drizzled with the Naga morich. It is also known to be the most spiciest kebab due to the presence of the chilli.

Caution ⚠️: Handle seeds with care. Wear gloves when handling the seeds or use tweezers. Do not make contact with skin unless you wash your hands thoroughly.

Warranty Clause:

In accordance with the universal custom of the seed trade we give no warranty expressed or implied as to description, quality productvity or any others matter

of any seed we sell and will not be responsible in any way for the cropresults

beyond the purchased price especially under unsuitable season, abnormal

weather, unsuitable soil and other unexpected conditions.

Sowing Information

Soak the seeds in water for a few hours before planting . Sow indoors April-June in individual pots 1 cm deep. Locate in a warm place at a temperature of 18-21Β°C, water and check daily to ensure the compost is moist but do not over water. As soon as the seedlings appear, relocate to a warm window- sill out of direct sunlight at a temperature of approx 15'C. Sow outdoors May-July 2.5cm deep, in required harvest position. Plant in a line at least 30cm apart and water well to establish plants. Transplanting When the plants are large enough to handle, try and ease the root out carefully without damaging the plant. In May- June, when all risk of frost has gone, harden off the plants by leaving outdoors during the day and bringing in at night for one week. Once acclimatised to the outdoors your plants can be transplanted to the final container or grow bag. Plants should be spaced evenly with a gap of at least 30cm between each variety and canes can be used to help support them as needed. Growbags shouldn't be planted up with more than 3 varieties. Ensure enough space is left between plants when transplanting or the growth may be affected Sow seeds or transplant outdoors after last frost Some varieties take longer to germinate than others. Speed of growth depends on growing conditions.

Fill the pot with seed raising mix. Make a small hole in the middle of every cell and sow the seeds between 8 to 10mm deep. Cover the hole and spray some water gently. Please make sure to keep it moist, not wet. Also, provide them between 26 to 30 degrees of constant heat as it is the main key to achieve a great germination rate. A heat mat under the try really works well


Sorry to say that

Please do not purchase if you are not sure or don't know how to sow or prepare them for germination as there is no instructions included in the pack.

β€’ Please note seed is a live product which depends on many important related grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, and type of soil, watering, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, disease free soil, and reasonable weather conditions during the growing period. Germination is affected by such factors as temperature, moisture content, light intensity and contamination of planting media. Although we do everything possible to get seeds to you in the best possible condition far exceeding legal requirements and will provide as much help as possible, these factors are totally outside of our control and once you receive the seeds its over to you. Consequently, we can take no responsibility for the suitability to your local conditions of any variety offered, the indicative cultivation advice provided or ultimately the varieties performance. As such you should seek local advice to carefully ensure your local conditions and the time of season are appropriate to the variety purchased.

I hope you will succeed with these seeds.

Enjoy your gardening .,,,,,,,πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŒΎπŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŒΎ

Thanks for reading πŸ₯°