3 fresh cuttings
While planting the cuttings at least two nodes should be inside the soil with one bud above the soil. Care should be taken to maintain the polarity while planting the cuttings since grape cuttings planted upside down do not grow.

This is NOT a GMO variety!

It is a man-made hybrid like virtually every cultivar (cultivated variety) of fruit and vegetable grown and consumed today.

It was hybridized by taking pollen from one plant and pollinating another with it.

Sometimes just called moon grapes, their official name is Moon Drop.

They come from a version of the common grape vine species (Vitis vinifera) that has been selectively bred to produce an intensely sweet and crisp seedless fruit, which grows in a tubular shape.

Per 1 cup (92g) that’s 62 calories, 0g of fat, 15g of sugar, 1g of protein, and 1g of fiber.

Excellent source of vitamin K, with 17% of the daily value

33% of the DV for manganese, an essential mineral

Small amounts of vitamin C, thiamin, and B6

Low calorie dessert for weight loss

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 Many of the varieties we sell are rare and limited .