Discover the revolution: PMU ergonomics x meets Tattoo Power!

Minimal vibration combined with maximum tattoo power and cost-efficient needle cartridges!

The artyst™ and CHEYENNE experts have joined forces to develop an extremely low-vibration yet powerful, ergonomic PMU machine with a stroke length of 3.5 mm. Due to its enormous power, the high-performance device is only suitable for experienced artists who want to use conventional (tattoo) cartridges.

The all-rounder is fast and reliable and is suitable for all skin types and PMU applications. Its smooth and balanced motor achieves incredible results in the shortest possible time with maximum safety and precision.

The PowerBabe PMU machines feature a universal docking system for tattoo cartridges, making it compatible with most cartridges on the market, including the classic CHEYENNE Safety and Capillary cartridges. Specifically recommended for PMU applications are the new artyst™ by CHEYENNE PMU cartridges. They have been specially developed to meet the requirements of PMU artists and fit perfectly into the devices. This means more flexibility at less cost!

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