Veritable Smart Indoor Garden -- VPOT-SAWAS-US16

Growing a variety of fresh, aromatic herbs, fruits, and vegetables in the comfort of your home year-round is effortless with the Veritable® SMART Garden. With an elegant & beautiful Arctic White garden reservoir that’ll look stunning in your home, this indoor gardening system is 100% silent, fully autonomous, and comes with everything you need to get started on your indoor garden, including 4 ready-to-use pre-sown and nutrient-packed Lingots® in sweet basil, chives, thyme, and parsley. To use, simply plug-in your garden, fill the water reservoir, insert the Lingots®, and in 3-4 weeks, you’ll have fresh, aromatic herbs perfect for cooking or as lovely garnishes!

All Veritable® Indoor Gardens are completely independent, providing fully automated lighting, irrigation, and nutrition to your plants – all you have to do is harvest!

Veritable® SMART Lighting: Veritable® SMART Gardens utilize their special high-end LED grow light + Adapt Light™ technology that adjusts the grow light output automatically depending on the ambient lighting of the room, providing maximum energy savings while ensuring optimum growing conditions. The LED grow light employs a color spectrum of blue and white wavelengths that have been adapted specifically for edible plants. The blue wavelengths guarantee faster plant growth, while the white wavelengths activate essential oils and rich flavors. Each garden is constructed with 1-2 adjustable light poles that can be raised or lowered for different plant sizes and features an optical lens that focuses 100% of the LED light directly on the plant to optimize energy consumption. The controlled lighting system stays on for 16 hours a day and turns off for 8 hours at night, imitating the natural daylight cycle (no natural light required), making all Veritable® Gardens perfect for growing all year long in any indoor setting, including rooms with no windows!  

Veritable® Irrigation System: Veritable® Gardens are designed with a fully automated watering system. All you need to do is add water to the reservoir. The passive hydroponic system and Lingot® material feed the appropriate and necessary water amount to each plant accordingly. The water reservoir waters from 1-4 weeks of constant and regular irrigation depending on the plant size and ambient temperature, and when you’re reservoir needs refilling, the garden will alert you with a blinking light. No more worrying about your plants when you go out of town – your Veritable® Garden does all the work!

Veritable® Lingots®: Veritable® offers over 70 plant options, so you can interchange according to your growing needs! With options ranging from herbs including parsley, rosemary, and oregano to baby vegetables and greens including mini tomatoes, bok choy, and lettuce to beautiful edible flowers including wild strawberry and petunias, you can ensure you’ll always have fresh herbs, small vegetables, greens, and edible flowers to enjoy year-round. Each Lingot® is pre-sown with nutrients included, so you can harvest your plants right out of the package. All Lingots® are 100% natural and compostable and are free of any chemicals, pesticides, and GMO’s.

Veritable® SMART Garden Features:

Veritable® SMART Garden Specs: