One of my favorite gemstones, the stone of the Gods, Carnelian is gorgeous and rich in history.  These beads are approx 14x20 mm in a drum barrel style, perfect size for anything to show the outstanding colors of the gemstone from butterscotch to red.  

CARNELIAN:  Ancient Egyptians named Carnelian the "Sunset Stone" because they believed it caught and reflected the heat of the sun and channeled it into the wearer. Carnelian is still considered a symbol of life in modern cultures. It is also used for protection, wealth and wisdom.    Carnelian is also a powerful aiding stone for healing. It is believed to stimulate the body's own healing ability, helping the body to restore itself to a more balanced state. Carnelian is also said to be beneficial for healing ailments of the skin, blood, liver, spleen and lungs.