As you may know, I have collected various religious, Political, and Cultural items for about 50 years.  Some were bought, some were gifts and some were handcrafted.  I have shared much of my collection with friends over the years. I have also kept some of the more unusual.  Now I am in my late 70's. I have decided to continue sharing my collection with others through eBay.  I have enjoyed collecting historic medals, medallions, and coins.  I'm pretty sure I bought these soon after they first came out, but not sure.  That was a very long time ago. 

You can buy directly through eBay or put the coin(s) in your cart and message me as to which one you want.  BUT, the first paying is the one who has a choice if it makes a difference.  Notice the dots in the lower right corner of the flips,  Enjoy!   I'll delete pictures as the coins are sold.

All my coins are guaranteed as described. I give a full, 30 day return on all my coins . Coins must be returned in the original, unopened holders or flips.