Groundhog Day gets all the credit in Punxsutawney PA. Here's a place that is very hard to find any information about.

There are tons of milk jugs, lids, etc, from the dairy, but really hard to find any listings of a "M. A. Vasbinder" in any records.

Maybe if I woke up and it was the same day, every day, in Punxsutaney, I'd have time to find out more!

The milk lid (no matchbook this time) used for this Tshirt is from the 1950s.

Thanks for looking! Before you order:

All of my Retrohio Designs shirts are created from old matchbooks, and sometimes other advertisements. I scan them, fix them up, rearrange, and retouch any glaring issues, but they all keep their vintage look to them and are not perfect. And that's what I like about them! 

The sizing is considered "true to size"/ unisex, so- if you are unsure about what size, go ahead and order a size up.

Check my feedback, take a look at my store page, and ask any questions you have before ordering.