This listing is for highest quality JACKFRUIT seeds. (A Powerhouse Of Nutrients

Protein, vitamin B complex, iron, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, and zinc are all abundant in these seeds. Four grams of protein and no fat can be found in every 100 grams of seeds.


1. Provides essential nutrients

2. High in fibre

3. Good for diabetics

4. Aids in digestion

6. Contains a lot of antioxidants

5. Enhances eye wellness

Here are some easy ways to add them to your diet:

·        Top salads with them.

·        Make homemade jackfruit-seed hummus.

·        Grind them into flour for use in baking or cooking.

·        Add them into smoothies.

·        Make homemade jackfruit-seed butter.

·        Eat them alone as a snack



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