Henry For President By Henry Nicols, Eagle Scout, AIDS, Hemophilia, Signed Copy, Includes Eagle Scout by HBO dvd. Free Shipping

In 1985 before AIDS was a word, 10 year old Henry Nicols, a hemophiliac, was infected with the deadly virus from a blood transfusion. For years his family kept the secret about AIDS from everyone. In 1991, a senior in high school and deathly ill, 17 year old Nicols boldly announced to the world "I have AIDS." Protected by his community of Cooperstown, NY (the Home of Baseball) Nicols quickly became a celebrity and a poster child for AIDS understanding. He then became an international AIDS advocate and educator, travelling around the U.S. and the world spreading a message of compassion and love. Nicols died of complications of AIDS in 2000. This memoir, written by his father, is the legacy of a brave child suffering from a chronic illness and then infected with the scourge of our time. As a tear-jerking page turner, Henry for President is a must read for anyone who wants to better understand challenge, compassion and human nature.